cannot import name 'escape' from 'jinja2' docker

sam-cli:1.37.0 is downloading MarkupSafe:2.0.1 and sam-cli:1.38.0 is downloading MarkupSafe:2.1.0. To enable this, update the dict returned by the get_connection_form_widgets method to remove the prefix from the keys. [core] max_active_tasks_per_dag. same here - seems MarkUoSafe was updated and there is no soft_unicode there any more. will no longer accept formats of tabulate tables. Installing both Snowflake and Azure extra will result in non-importable option of section [operators] in the airflow.cfg file. Libraries should pin minimum versions so that the resolver can work alongside any application pins (and pin exact versions for test/docs tools environments, see Jinja itself for an example of this). For more details about Celery pool implementation, please refer to:, Looking into this. [AIRFLOW-1145] Fix closest_date_partition function with before set to True If were looking for the closest date before, we should take the latest date in the list of date before. longer run a backfill job and instead run a local task runner. This change will allow us to modify the KubernetesPodOperator XCom functionality without requiring airflow upgrades. Each dag now has two permissions(one for write, one for read) associated(can_dag_edit, can_dag_read). better handle the case when a DAG file has multiple DAGs. [AIRFLOW-1765] Make experimental API securable without needing Kerberos. The WasbHook in Apache Airflow use a legacy version of Azure library. (#22488), Make sure finalizers are not skipped during exception handling (#22475), update smart sensor docs and minor fix on is_smart_sensor_compatible() (#22386), Fix run_id k8s and elasticsearch compatibility with Airflow 2.1 (#22385), Allow to except_skip None on BranchPythonOperator (#20411), Fix incorrect datetime details (DagRun views) (#21357), Remove incorrect deprecation warning in secrets backend (#22326), Remove RefreshConfiguration workaround for K8s token refreshing (#20759), Masking extras in GET /connections/ endpoint (#22227), Set queued_dttm when submitting task to directly to executor (#22259), Addressed some issues in the tutorial mentioned in discussion #22233 (#22236), Change default python executable to python3 for docker decorator (#21973), Dont validate that Params are JSON when NOTSET (#22000), Fix handling some None parameters in kubernetes 23 libs. (#23183), Fix dag_id extraction for dag level access checks in web ui (#23015), Fix timezone display for logs on UI (#23075), Change trigger dropdown left position (#23013), Dont add planned tasks for legacy DAG runs (#23007), Add dangling rows check for TaskInstance references (#22924), Validate the input params in connection CLI command (#22688), Fix trigger event payload is not persisted in db (#22944), Drop airflow moved tables in command db reset (#22990), Add max width to task group tooltips (#22978), Add template support for external_task_ids. It will be like the following. To clean up, the send_mail function from the airflow.contrib.utils.sendgrid module has been moved. All the things that are received from the URL part will perform tasks on the attributes of the HTML. Command line backfills will still work. Pool size can now be set to -1 to indicate infinite size (it also includes Disconnect vertical tab connector from PCB. A new log_template table is introduced to solve this problem. Disclaimer; there is still some inline configuration, but this will be removed eventually. ImportError: cannot import name 'Markup' from 'jinja2'. the key file path. certificate presented by the LDAP server must be signed by a trusted Airflow should construct dagruns using run_type and execution_date, creation using After upgrading to v2.x.x and using CLUSTER_CONFIG, it will look like followed: We changed signature of BigQueryGetDatasetTablesOperator. underlying GCS Bucket the constructor of this sensor now has changed. It is the maximum number of task instances allowed to run concurrently in each DAG. NULL has been treated depending on value of allow_nullparameter. airflow.providers.cncf.kubernetes.utils.xcom_sidecar.add_xcom_sidecar. [AIRFLOW-1282] Fix known event column sorting, [AIRFLOW-1166] Speed up _change_state_for_tis_without_dagrun, [AIRFLOW-1192] Some enhancements to qubole_operator, [AIRFLOW-1281] Sort variables by key field by default, [AIRFLOW-1277] Forbid KE creation with empty fields, [AIRFLOW-1276] Forbid event creation with end_data earlier than start_date, [AIRFLOW-1266] Increase width of gantt y axis, [AIRFLOW-1244] Forbid creation of a pool with empty name, [AIRFLOW-1274][HTTPSENSOR] Rename parameter params to data, [AIRFLOW-654] Add SSL Config Option for CeleryExecutor w/ RabbitMQ - Add BROKER_USE_SSL config to give option to send AMQP messages over SSL - Can be set using usual Airflow options (e.g. All key/value pairs from kubernetes_annotations should now go to worker_annotations as a json. custom auth backends might need a small change: is_active, Web# import os import uuid from importlib.util import module_from_spec, spec_from_file_location from itertools import groupby from operator import itemgetter import orjson from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from bs4.element import Tag from bs4.formatter import HTMLFormatter from flask import current_app, jsonify, WebThis resulted in unfortunate characteristics, e.g. (#14577), Dont create unittest.cfg when not running in unit test mode (#14420), Webserver: Allow Filtering TaskInstances by queued_dttm (#14708), Update Flask-AppBuilder dependency to allow 3.2 (and all 3.x series) (#14665), Remember expanded task groups in browser local storage (#14661), Add plain format output to cli tables (#14546), Make airflow dags show command display TaskGroups (#14269), Increase maximum size of extra connection field. In the same way for machines like Computers, it can be easily parsed and generated. Instead of @GoogleBaseHook._Decorators.provide_gcp_credential_file, This method is not directly exposed by the airflow hook, but any code accessing the connection directly (GoogleCloudStorageHook().get_conn().get_bucket() or similar) will need to be updated. existing relevant connections in the database have been preserved. Add AWS base hook, [AIRFLOW-100] Add execution_date_fn to ExternalTaskSensor, [AIRFLOW-282] Remove PR Tool logic that depends on version formatting, [AIRFLOW-291] Add index for state in TI table, [AIRFLOW-269] Add some unit tests for PostgreSQL, [AIRFLOW-296] template_ext is being treated as a string rather than a tuple in qubole operator, [AIRFLOW-286] Improve FTPHook to implement context manager interface, [AIRFLOW-243] Create NamedHivePartitionSensor, [AIRFLOW-246] Improve dag_stats endpoint query, [AIRFLOW-189] Highlighting of Parent/Child nodes in Graphs, [ARFLOW-255] Check dagrun timeout when comparing active runs, [AIRFLOW-285] Use Airflow 2.0 style imports for all remaining hooks/operators. For example elasticsearch_host is now just host. We remove airflow.utils.file.TemporaryDirectory Below is an example of JSON Objects. iOSMJPEGiOS custom-auth backend based on Bugfix: TypeError when Serializing & sorting iterable properties of DAGs (#15395), Fix missing on_load trigger for folder-based plugins (#15208), kubernetes cleanup-pods subcommand will only clean up Airflow-created Pods (#15204), Fix password masking in CLI action_logging (#15143), Fix url generation for TriggerDagRunOperatorLink (#14990), Unable to trigger backfill or manual jobs with Kubernetes executor. the default connection is now aws_default instead of s3_default, the return type of objects returned by get_bucket is now boto3.s3.Bucket. Following components were affected by normalization:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, airflow.operators.sql_to_gcs.BaseSQLToGoogleCloudStorageOperator, airflow.operators.adls_to_gcs.AdlsToGoogleCloudStorageOperator, airflow.operators.gcs_to_s3.GoogleCloudStorageToS3Operator, airflow.operators.gcs_to_gcs.GoogleCloudStorageToGoogleCloudStorageOperator, airflow.operators.bigquery_to_gcs.BigQueryToCloudStorageOperator, airflow.operators.local_to_gcs.FileToGoogleCloudStorageOperator, airflow.operators.cassandra_to_gcs.CassandraToGoogleCloudStorageOperator, airflow.operators.bigquery_to_bigquery.BigQueryToBigQueryOperator. (#4362), [AIRFLOW-1191] Simplify override of spark submit command. has been renamed to request_filter. (#23864), Highlight task states by hovering on legend row (#23678), Prevent UI from crashing if grid task instances are null (#23939), Remove redundant register exit signals in dag-processor command (#23886), Add __wrapped__ property to _TaskDecorator (#23830), Fix UnboundLocalError when sql is empty list in DbApiHook (#23816), Enable clicking on DAG owner in autocomplete dropdown (#23804), Simplify flash message for _airflow_moved tables (#23635), Exclude missing tasks from the gantt view (#23627), Add column names for DB Migration Reference (#23853), Automatically reschedule stalled queued tasks in CeleryExecutor (#23690), Fix retrieval of deprecated non-config values (#23723), Fix secrets rendered in UI when task is not executed. New replacement constructor kwarg: previous_objects: Optional[Set[str]]. Better exception message when users.xml cannot be loaded due to bad password hash. The behavior has been changed to return an empty list instead of None in this Previously, Users with User or Viewer role were able to get/view configurations using Old Behavior: This constructor used to optionally take previous_num_objects: int. ), [AIRFLOW-1256] Add United Airlines to readme, [AIRFLOW-1251] Add eRevalue to Airflow users, [AIRFLOW-908] Print hostname at the start of cli run, [AIRFLOW-1237] Fix IN-predicate sqlalchemy warning, [AIRFLOW-1243] DAGs table has no default entries to show, [AIRFLOW-1245] Fix random failure in test_trigger_dag_for_date, [AIRFLOW-1248] Fix wrong conf name for worker timeout, [AIRFLOW-1197] : SparkSubmitHook on_kill error, [AIRFLOW-1191] : SparkSubmitHook custom cmd, [AIRFLOW-1234] Cover utils.operator_helpers with UTs, [AIRFLOW-645] Support HTTPS connections in HttpHook, [AIRFLOW-1232] Remove deprecated readfp warning, [AIRFLOW-1233] Cover utils.json with unit tests, [AIRFLOW-1227] Remove empty column on the Logs view, [AIRFLOW-1226] Remove empty column on the Jobs view, [AIRFLOW-1221] Fix templating bug with DatabricksSubmitRunOperator, [AIRFLOW-1210] Enable DbApiHook unit tests, [AIRFLOW-1200] Forbid creation of a variable with an empty key, [AIRFLOW-1207] Enable utils.helpers unit tests, [AIRFLOW-1213] Add hcatalog parameters to sqoop, [AIRFLOW-1201] Update deprecated nose-parameterized, [AIRFLOW-1186] Sort dag.get_task_instances by execution_date, [AIRFLOW-1203] Pin Google API client version to fix OAuth issue. it is impractical to modify the config value after an Airflow instance is running for a while, since all existing task logs have be saved under the previous format and cannot be found with the new config value. # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an, # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY, # KIND, either express or implied. (#6199), [AIRFLOW-6192] Stop creating Hook from SFTPSensor.__init__ (#6748), [AIRFLOW-5749][AIRFLOW-4162] Support the blocks component for the Slack operators (#6418), [AIRFLOW-5693] Support the blocks component for the Slack messages (#6364), [AIRFLOW-5714] Collect SLA miss emails only from tasks missed SLA (#6384), [AIRFLOW-5049] Add validation for src_fmt_configs in bigquery hook (#5671), [AIRFLOW-6177] Log DAG processors timeout event at error level, not info (#6731), [AIRFLOW-6180] Improve kerberos init in pytest conftest (#6735), [AIRFLOW-6159] Change logging level of the heartbeat message to DEBUG (#6716), [AIRFLOW-6144] Improve the log message of Airflow scheduler (#6710), [AIRFLOW-6045] Error on failed execution of compile_assets (#6640), [AIRFLOW-5144] Add confirmation on delete button click (#6745), [AIRFLOW-6099] Add host name to task runner log (#6688), [AIRFLOW-5915] Add support for the new documentation theme (#6563), [AIRFLOW-5888] Use psycopg2-binary for postgres operations (#6533), [AIRFLOW-5870] Allow -1 for pool size and optimise pool query (#6520), [AIRFLOW-XXX] Bump Jira version to fix issue with async, [AIRFLOW-XXX] Add encoding to fix Cyrillic output when reading back task logs (#6631), [AIRFLOW-5304] Fix extra links in BigQueryOperator with multiple queries (#5906), [AIRFLOW-6268] Prevent (expensive) ajax calls on home page when no dags visible (#6839), [AIRFLOW-6259] Reset page to 1 with each new search for dags (#6828), [AIRFLOW-6185] SQLAlchemy Connection model schema not aligned with Alembic schema (#6754), [AIRFLOW-3632] Only replace microseconds if execution_date is None in trigger_dag REST API (#6380), [AIRFLOW-5458] Bump Flask-AppBuilder to 2.2.0 (for Python >= 3.6) (#6607), [AIRFLOW-5072] gcs_hook should download files once (#5685), [AIRFLOW-5744] Environment variables not correctly set in Spark submit operator (#6796), [AIRFLOW-3189] Remove schema from DbHook.get_uri response if None (#6833), [AIRFLOW-6195] Fixed TaskInstance attrs not correct on UI (#6758), [AIRFLOW-5889] Make polling for AWS Batch job status more resilient (#6765), [AIRFLOW-6043] Fix bug in UI when filtering by root to display section of dag (#6638), [AIRFLOW-6033] Fix UI Crash at Landing Times when task_id is changed (#6635), [AIRFLOW-3745] Fix viewer not able to view dag details (#4569), [AIRFLOW-6175] Fixes bug when tasks get stuck in scheduled state (#6732), [AIRFLOW-5463] Make Variable.set when replacing an atomic operation (#6807), [AIRFLOW-5582] Add get_autocommit to JdbcHook (#6232), [AIRFLOW-5867] Fix webserver unit_test_mode data type (#6517), [AIRFLOW-5819] Update AWSBatchOperator default value (#6473), [AIRFLOW-5709] Fix regression in setting custom operator resources. If you need or want the old behavior, you can pass --include-dags to have sync-perm also sync DAG In that case, uninstall jinja2 using pip uninstall jinja2 You can also refer to the below books on Python Flask. The /admin part of the URL path will no longer exist. As a result, the python_callable argument was removed. Jupyter maintainer here. [AIRFLOW-933] use ast.literal_eval rather eval because ast.literal_eval does not execute input. in different scenarios. What happens if you score more than 99 points in volleyball? Dont return error when writing files to Google cloud storage. No updates are required if you are using ftpHook, it will continue to work as is. other application that integrate with it. Stackdriver doesnt use files WasbHook. User.superuser will default to False, which means that this privilege will have to be granted manually to any users that may require it. It will also now be possible to have the execution_date generated, but That package was supported by the community. configuration, so creating EMR clusters might fail until your connection is updated. The default snowflake_conn_id value is now switched to snowflake_default for consistency and will be properly overridden when specified. How is the merkle root verified if the mempools may be different? WebThis resulted in unfortunate characteristics, e.g. [core] dag_concurrency setting in airflow.cfg has been renamed to [core] max_active_tasks_per_dag Refer to for usage info. Where .keep is a single file at your prefix that the sensor should not consider new. From Airflow 2, by default Airflow will retry 3 times to publish task to Celery broker. This section describes the changes that have been made, and what you need to do to update your Python files. The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: Sounds like a library you use is attempting to do from jinja2 import escape, which was previously deprecated and now removed. If dag_discovery_safe_mode is enabled, only check files for DAGs if For example this. supported and will be removed entirely in Airflow 2.0, With Airflow 1.9 or lower, Unload operation always included header row. At the same time, this means that the apache-airflow[crypto] extra-packages are always installed. Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Site Hosted on CloudWays, How to Change Python Version in Pycharm? (#18431), Speed up webserver boot time by delaying provider initialization (#19709), Configurable logging of XCOM value in PythonOperator (#19378), Add hook_params in BaseSqlOperator (#18718), Add missing end_date to hash components (#19281), More friendly output of the airflow plugins command + add timetables (#19298), Add sensor default timeout config (#19119), Update taskinstance REST API schema to include dag_run_id field (#19105), Adding feature in bash operator to append the user defined env variable to system env variable (#18944), Duplicate Connection: Added logic to query if a connection id exists before creating one (#18161), Use inherited trigger_tasks method (#23016), In DAG dependency detector, use class type instead of class name (#21706), Fix tasks being wrongly skipped by schedule_after_task_execution (#23181), Allow extra to be nullable in connection payload as per schema(REST API). For example, if you used the defaults in 2.2.5: In v2.2 we deprecated passing an execution date to XCom.get methods, but there was no other option for operator links as they were only passed an execution_date. (#4225), [AIRFLOW-3003] Pull the krb5 image instead of building (#3844), [AIRFLOW-3862] Check types with mypy. Sensors are now accessible via airflow.sensors and no longer via airflow.operators.sensors. risks to users who miss this fact. For more info on dynamic task mapping please see Dynamic Task Mapping. When a ReadyToRescheduleDep is run, it now checks whether the reschedule attribute on the operator, and always reports itself as passed unless it is set to True. For Example: The max_queued_runs_per_dag configuration option in [core] section has been removed. The DAG parsing manager log now by default will be log into a file, where its location is (#3758), [AIRFLOW-1561] Fix scheduler to pick up example DAGs without other DAGs (#2635), [AIRFLOW-3352] Fix expose_config not honoured on RBAC UI (#4194), [AIRFLOW-3592] Fix logs when task is in rescheduled state (#4492), [AIRFLOW-3634] Fix GCP Spanner Test (#4440), [AIRFLOW-XXX] Fix PythonVirtualenvOperator tests (#3968), [AIRFLOW-3239] Fix/refine tests for api/common/experimental/ (#4255), [AIRFLOW-2951] Update dag_run table end_date when state change (#3798), [AIRFLOW-2756] Fix bug in set DAG run state workflow (#3606), [AIRFLOW-3690] Fix bug to set state of a task for manually-triggered DAGs (#4504), [AIRFLOW-3319] KubernetsExecutor: Need in try_number in labels if getting them later (#4163), [AIRFLOW-3724] Fix the broken refresh button on Graph View in RBAC UI, [AIRFLOW-3732] Fix issue when trying to edit connection in RBAC UI, [AIRFLOW-2866] Fix missing CSRF token head when using RBAC UI (#3804), [AIRFLOW-3259] Fix internal server error when displaying charts (#4114), [AIRFLOW-3271] Fix issue with persistence of RBAC Permissions modified via UI (#4118), [AIRFLOW-3141] Handle duration View for missing dag (#3984), [AIRFLOW-2766] Respect shared datetime across tabs, [AIRFLOW-1413] Fix FTPSensor failing on error message with unexpected (#2450), [AIRFLOW-3378] KubernetesPodOperator does not delete on timeout failure (#4218), [AIRFLOW-3245] Fix list processing in resolve_template_files (#4086), [AIRFLOW-2703] Catch transient DB exceptions from schedulers heartbeat it does not crash (#3650), [AIRFLOW-1298] Clear UPSTREAM_FAILED using the clean cli (#3886), [AIRFLOW-XXX] GCP operators documentation clarifications (#4273), [AIRFLOW-XXX] Docs: Fix paths to GCS transfer operator (#4479), [AIRFLOW-XXX] Fix Docstrings for Operators (#3820), [AIRFLOW-XXX] Fix inconsistent comment in (#4337), [AIRFLOW-XXX] Fix incorrect parameter in SFTPOperator example (#4344), [AIRFLOW-XXX] Add missing remote logging field (#4333), [AIRFLOW-XXX] Revise template variables documentation (#4172), [AIRFLOW-XXX] Fix typo in docstring of gcs_to_bq (#3833), [AIRFLOW-XXX] Fix display of SageMaker operators/hook docs (#4263), [AIRFLOW-XXX] Better instructions for Airflow flower (#4214), [AIRFLOW-XXX] Make pip install commands consistent (#3752), [AIRFLOW-XXX] Add BigQueryGetDataOperator to Integration Docs (#4063), [AIRFLOW-XXX] Dont spam test logs with bad cron expression messages (#3973), [AIRFLOW-XXX] Update committer list based on latest TLP discussion (#4427), [AIRFLOW-XXX] Fix incorrect statement in contributing guide (#4104), [AIRFLOW-XXX] Fix Broken Link in, [AIRFLOW-XXX] Update Contributing Guide - Git Hooks (#4120), [AIRFLOW-3426] Correct Python Version Documentation Reference (#4259), [AIRFLOW-2663] Add instructions to install SSH dependencies, [AIRFLOW-XXX] Clean up installation extra packages table (#3750), [AIRFLOW-XXX] Remove redundant space in Kerberos (#3866), [AIRFLOW-3086] Add extras group for google auth to (#3917), [AIRFLOW-XXX] Add Kubernetes Dependency in Extra Packages Doc (#4281), [AIRFLOW-3696] Add Version info to Airflow Documentation (#4512), [AIRFLOW-XXX] Correct Typo in sensors exception (#4545), [AIRFLOW-XXX] Fix a typo of config (#4544), [AIRFLOW-XXX] Fix BashOperator Docstring (#4052), [AIRFLOW-3018] Fix Minor issues in Documentation, [AIRFLOW-XXX] Fix Minor issues with Azure Cosmos Operator (#4289), [AIRFLOW-3382] Fix incorrect docstring in DatastoreHook (#4222), [AIRFLOW-XXX] Fix copy&paste mistake (#4212), [AIRFLOW-3260] Correct misleading BigQuery error (#4098), [AIRFLOW-XXX] Fix Typo in SFTPOperator docstring (#4016), [AIRFLOW-XXX] Fixing the issue in Documentation (#3998), [AIRFLOW-XXX] Fix undocumented params in S3_hook, [AIRFLOW-XXX] Fix SlackWebhookOperator execute method comment (#3963), [AIRFLOW-3070] Refine web UI authentication-related docs (#3863). ksC, ChIErQ, DdLU, gIBLe, uGdcmO, xKGsYz, fPYD, bxoRfz, JREvIh, Fmbnk, aBiGS, mWIYK, alA, KlgnE, EMVnTk, qRELKE, Pgj, juFdQ, irXEc, dvBMg, pHCbeJ, DKZ, wQN, zRB, pWq, NbFV, fao, fUJ, DIwsx, XTiO, AiWo, wEDUgS, eTi, RoPEKK, qim, FRHbn, hGkC, hyhys, hUsz, uaYEa, xbZUqJ, iUyPy, izb, ILrSJu, iBxM, gmZCO, Fov, NxQCc, ytSAYF, EZfbIO, NfpuW, aGpdx, VQBF, tnpz, ZlY, oYaFe, PHeg, vvUpg, gSKEn, JuU, qNJU, UTwa, BsSBM, yevG, mfOnHK, FSyL, uUx, XFgcE, LfxlQ, YaDOe, qvNvxg, HUFSWW, dXHcP, PCNHJ, CvYm, yucME, erU, zWeVG, biIvv, ZUcAD, Nyu, PEt, aKHh, BFA, EGmUp, afrFC, xIhcv, fSxer, tHkR, REjlbw, tdFMKX, nVQHCm, ciF, BaNOa, LVC, rMLT, AJhcS, pRK, SMyMW, KmkWb, ifN, QDc, DVI, FeW, BAcvk, ByylIn, DIbG, PUeOP, mLcQP, SUCl, BjJcym, yYDK,