Tip: To round a number DOWN to the nearest integer, look at the Tengo casi un ao de usar el plugins, en la ltima actualizacin da la impresin de haber un fallo, luego de algunas horas de estar activo el plugins funciona como se supone que debera funcionar. The default file extension for PHP files is ".php". And of course you should surround the resulting, escaped HTML code within the user reaches 10, 20, 30, , 90, 100% of the media duration. fread() reads up to length bytes from the file pointer referenced by stream.Reading stops as soon as one of the following conditions is met: length bytes have been read ; EOF (end of file) is reached a packet becomes available or the socket timeout occurs (for network streams) ; if the stream is read buffered and it does not represent a plain file, at most one read of up to a While using W3Schools, you agree to have read and accepted our, Find a web host with PHP and MySQL support, Install a web server on your own PC, and then install PHP and MySQL. Note that - afaik - fgets reads a line until it reaches a line feed (\\n). Tiers should now be pulled properly for such creators. A part of the theme or content can be locked for any given pledge level by using some code (content in sidebars, widgets, header, footer, inside posts etc), Compatibility class to hold compatibility related code added, Do not cache variable added to compatibility class to tell caching plugins to not cache critical Patreon related routing pages (flow, auth), Cache control / no cache headers added to headers for Patreon routing pages (flow, auth), Added update available notice to tell site owners that a new version is available (dismissable until next update check), API v2 accessibility checking functions removed since API v2 is now always being used for patron related calls, Creators token refresh code removed from getPatreonCreatorInfo, Code added to keep track of expiration of creators access token, Function added to refresh creators token before it expires to prevent any connectivity issues related to expiration now it will auto refresh when necessary, Function that checked creators url on every page load was removed this should reduce load, Function which retrieves patrons details from Patreon on every page load made to do the check every 24 hours instead of every page load this should reduce load, Hooks and filters added to Patreon login action that happens in WordPress site after Patreon oAuth, All API access error cases covered with error messages, Security cookie check removed to address issues with sites experiencing problems with cookies, lock_or_not function to receive a post id and decide whether a content should be locked is added, lock_or_not function now returns the reason why content was locked (not enough pledge, membership start not old enough, not enough total pledge, declined etc), All interface functions in locked content interface are made to use lock_or_not function and are simplified, All interface generating functions made to receive post id so now they can be used programmatically to generate interface for any content not only the current post, Error message added in case Patreon does not return a result or WP site cannot connect to Patreon. Carriage returns (\\r) aren't processed as line endings. GTM4WP has been translated into 8 locales. GTM4WP is open source software. WARNING! Now checks if notice being shown to avoid showing the same notice twice at a page load. using it within the function is bad practice). This is the outdated, classic way using the google_tag_params variable. divisionx December 3, 2022. You can also lock any custom post type. Get certifiedby completinga course today! Modified lock or not filter to feed more variables to functions. Personally, I prefer using chr(13) as a line break. Regarding the case insensitivity problems on Windows, it looks to me as though it is a problem in PHP5 as well (at least in some cases). Now shows WordPress, PHP, and Patreon plugins version info in health check page. It is possible to insert the content of one PHP file into another PHP file (before the Minor bugfix in script handle for image script. The function will be called when the output buffer is flushed (sent) or cleaned (with ob_flush(), ob_clean() or similar function) or when the output buffer is flushed to the browser at the end of the request. Patreon WordPress should not affect functioning of any of your other plugins. Angular has features like generics, static-typing, and also some ES6 features. Defaults to off, Made image lock button appear only when image feature is enabled. This will help users to access the content they unlocked instead of still seeing the cached locked version. The round() function rounds a floating-point number. Tracking is supported for embedded media using the built-in oEmbed feature of WordPress as well as most other media plugins ! The following people have contributed to this plugin. Please check the setup article to see what needs to be changed. The line feed ist still at the end of the line. This will cause re-importing of images once if a full import is re-done. This will allow disconnecting a site from a creator account and connecting it to another. Added allowed key check to advanced options toggle function that receives ajax call. Depending on your websites traffic, additional fees may apply: I advise to move to PHP 7.x, Added: new visitorIP data layer variable to support post-GDPR implementations where for example internal traffic exclusion has to be made inside the browser, Fixed: JavaScript error around the variable gtm4wp_use_sku_instead, Fixed: added _ as a valid character for gtm_auth GTM environment variable, Fixed: corrected typo gtm4wp.checkoutStepE, Fixed: two strings were not recognized by WordPress Translate on the admin page, Fixed: some other plugins call found_variation event of WooCommerce without product variation data being included, Fixed: product name included variation name on order received page which broke GA product reports, Fixed: in some cases, no contact form 7 data was being passed to the gtm4wp.contactForm7Submitted event, Updated: added CDATA markup around container code for better DOM compatibility, Updated: removed SKU: prefix text from classic ecommerce dimension as it broke some enhanced ecommerce reports, Fixed: weather data tracking codes could result in fatal PHP error, Fixed: cart events did to fire while user pressed the Enter key in quantity fields, Fixed: contact form 7 changed some code which prevented successful form submission tracking, Changed: gtm4wp.cf7formid data layer variable now includes the ID of the form in WordPress, Added: gtm4wp.cf7inputs includes data that has been filled in the form, Added: admin warning for WooCommerce 2.x users. you can enter your custom domain name to load gtm.js from your there. Dropdown now shows user display name and nice name together. Simply put the shortcode [wordpress_file_upload] to the contents of any WordPress page / post or add the plugins widget in any sidebar and you will be able to upload files to any directory inside wp-contents of your WordPress site. Not at all you can post different content totally independently at your site and Patreon. If youre a creator on Patreon and want to connect your site to your Patreon, youll love this plugin . (we are using a
element so that the menu easily can be styled with CSS later): Assume we have a file called "vars.php", with some variables defined: Then, if we include the "vars.php" file, the variables can be used in the calling file: The require statement is also used to include a file into the PHP code. This would address issues with images appearing locked/unlocked despite being in the opposite state. This means that it should work with most WordPress instances. "require_once" and "require" are language constructs and not functions. gtm4wp.reading.pagebottom: the visitor reached the end of the page. See fopen() for more details on how to specify the filename. require_once (PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8) L'expression require_once est identique require mis part que PHP vrifie si le fichier a dj t inclus, et si c'est le cas, ne l'inclut pas une deuxime fois.. Voir la documentation de include_once pour plus d'informations concernant le comportement de _once, et ce qui le diffrencie des instructions sans _once. With Patreon WordPress, you can bring Patreon features to your WordPress website and integrate them to make them work together. Made setup wizard notice dismissable. Repeating update notice removed for compatibility with upcoming WP org rule. Added a Connect site button to show when all Patreon connection detail fields are empty. Google Tag Manager for WordPress can add each dataLayer variable as a Google Ads remarketing custom parameter list. Tutorials, references, and examples are constantly reviewed to avoid errors, but we cannot warrant full correctness of all content. use the corresponding dataLayer variable (visitorType) and an exclude filter in Google Tag Manager. Removed unused input parameters from a function this should fix PHP warnings and other issues at some sites. I tried a few things, which probably made the problem worse, so I contacted patreon support. To make a locked post public again, just choose Everyone from the select box and update your post. Bravo. Similar to fgets() except that fgetcsv() parses the line it reads for fields in CSV format and returns an array containing the fields read.. Added code to transmit nonce to ajax backend function. serialize() handles all types, except the resource-type and some object s (see note below). Googles official help pages includes more details about the data layer. Your plugin is now set up and you can start making your posts patron only! If you have troubles reading binary data with versions <= 4.3.2 then upgrade to 4.3.3. ), Added: option to remove tax from revenue data on order received page of WooCommerce, Added: WooCommerce enhanced ecommerce datasets now include stock levels, Added: new productIsVariable data layer variable is set to 1 on variable WooCommerce product pages, Added: product impressions can now be split into multiple chunks to prevent data loss on large product category and site home pages (thx Tim Zook for the contribution! Connection settings in options now hidden in a toggle. Now wp_dies out with message, Added check to image/file locking feature to see if image/file locking is enabled before allowing use of image/file locking function, Fixed an issue with post sync import not deleting expired/lost cursor when detected. Visit this guide to protecting your video content with Vimeo. One thing I discovered with fgets, at least with PHP 5.1.6, is that you may have to use an IF statement to avoid your code running rampant (and possibly hanging the server). Unlock with Patreon takes care of everything: whether theyre not a patron yet, or they need to upgrade their pledge, or if they are already pledging enough, the plugin will guide them through the process and back to your content. Fixed: use var_export instead of var_dump in some debug code, Fixed: apply WooCommerce option for tax inclusion on the order received page as well, Updated: do not add type attribute to script elements if theme suppors HTML5, Updated: tested version numbers for WordPress and WooCommerce, Fixed: PHP notice about undefined order_items variable if the new Order data in data layer is turned off, Fixed: PHP notice about missing brand array key if no brand taxonomy is selected in GTM4WP options, Added Oxygen Builder and Beaver Builder Theme support you can now use the codeless placement option without issues, Added ability to fix the Google Tag Manager ID and GTM Environment parameters in wp-config.php. Allowed existing sites using v1 to upgrade to v2 by using reconnect/disconnect/setup functions. http://cutroni.com/blog/2012/02/21/advanced-content-tracking-with-google-analytics-part-1/. need to do anything. Use gtm4wp_add_global_vars_array / GTM4WP_WPFILTER_ADDGLOBALVARS_ARRAY instead. USAGE and RETURN are total cumulative counters (they should only count up). false . I am making an API with Laravel 5 and I'm testing it with PHPUnit. : PHP auto_detect_line_endings . The DOM extension allows you to operate on XML documents through the DOM API with PHP 5. It's strange no one mentions "0" in this context. Solution: Make sure the db host is properly defined. You can now add your API key so that weather data and geo data can be added into the data layer. Improved: use localStorage for WooCommerce duplicate transaction tracking prevention if available. Now non-qualifying patrons should see the reason why they dont qualify for access to a post, Fixed a minor PHP notice that non-patron Patreon users saw when they viewed a gated post after logging into WP site via Patreon, Credential check after credential save got minor enhancements, Set a default email to make sure email check fails when a user doesnt have an email verified at Patreon, A notice that appeared during plugin update check was fixed, Added no-cache HTTP header to prevent caching of gated content, More efficient and smooth addition/removal of image locking feature related htaccess rules, Rewrite rules flushed upon activate/deactivate, Added filter for raw text of label over interface button, Plugin will now try preventing caching of gated content. which tags/variables gets affected. An easy way to authenticate Windows Domain users from scripts running on a non-Windows or non-Domain box - pass the submitted username and password to an IMAP service on a Windows machine. 50% in just 3 months using Patreon WordPress, Choose one of your tiers or a minimum pledge amount necessary to access a post or custom post, All patrons with pledge at or above that minimum tier will be able to access your post, Alternatively, you can set a minimum pledge amount to see all posts, Visitors who are not your patrons can click the Unlock with Patreon button on the locked post to pledge to you and access content, Visitors will be automatically redirected to Patreon, pledge to you and come back to your site to original unlocked post, Plugin will automatically log in Patreon users, Import your existing Patreon posts, with Video and images, Choose the post type, category which posts will be synced to, Choose the author to be used for synced posts, Your posts will be automatically updated as you add/update/delete your Patreon posts, Set custom HTML that non-patrons see instead of the post, prompting them to become a patron, Patreon WordPress is compatible with Paid Memberships Pro you can gate your content with either plugin, Patreon pledges are matched with Paid Memberships Pro monthly memberships works out of the box with no changes, Any Patreon patron or Paid Memberships Pro member who qualifies for content via either plugin will access content. The funcs.php file defines that TPL_DIR constant as the full absolute path of the tpl directory at the top level of the site. CSV null . audience/remarketing lists on ad platforms and allows for user segmentation in your web analytics solutions: Weather data is queried from Open Weather Map. Should be work with Safari at least for now. https://gtm4wp.com/how-to-articles/how-to-exclude-admin-users-from-being-tracked/. By "compiling", I mean write a script that reads a PHP file and replaces any "include/require_once" references with either: require_once (and include_once for that matters) is slow. If it's a significant number (> 100), it may be worth "compiling" the main PHP file. require_once() is NOT independent of require(). Remember: to comply with GTM TOS you are not allowed to pass this data towards any Google tag but you can use this in any other 3rd party tag. If your server has activated support for PHP you do not You can lock any single post or all of your posts! The plugin worked well but then an issue is caused with another plugin. Nothing will be changed at your site the plugin will just connect your site to Patreon to allow communication in between your site and Patreon. Tutorials for various Google Tag Manager settings and implementation are available on my website: : . A better example, to illustrate the differences in speed for large files, between fgets and stream_get_line. Learn PHP. I offered my help to troubleshoot this but there is no response in weeks in the support forum. If you are using the WooCommerce integration with enhanced ecommerce, once again you will need to update your GTM container. The include and require statements are identical, except upon failure: So, if you want the execution to go on and show users the output, even if the Scroll tracking is based on the solution originally created by, Original script: WP, PHP and plugin version info is added to the support info copied when Copy support info is clicked. Improved handling of pledges for patrons who have many pledges. it reads only if there is data available) use this : "\$ 001 Socket Error : UNABLE TO WATCH STDIN.\n". you can create a standard header, footer, or menu file for all your web pages. Instead it shows a warning line below the input field. Updated: Hiding the iframe tag from assistive technologies as it provides no functionality for the end user. For example, this affected the PEAR Net_SMTP package, which would fail mysteriously for only some email servers. You can now query different users Patreon info as opposed to only the current user. So, I created a creator account in Patreon and activated this plug-in. Updated: required PHP version raised to 7.4. Using this the container code can appear just after the opening body tag, thus Webmaster Tools verification using Tag Manager option will work, Added: blacklist or whitelist tags and macros to increase security of your Tag Manager setup, Updated: better add-to-cart events for WooCommerce, it includes now product name, SKU and ID, Added: browser, OS and device data to dataLayer variables, Added: postCountOnPage and postCountTotal dataLayer variables to track empty categories/tags/taxonomies, Fixed: WooCommerce integration did not work on some environments, Fixed: social tracking option on the admin panel was being shown as an edit box instead of a checkbox, Fixed: WooCommerce transaction data was not included in the dataLayer if you selected Custom code placement, Fixed: do not do anything if you enabled WooCommerce integration but did not activate WooCommerce plugin itself, Updated: do not re-declare dataLayer variable if it already exists (because another script already created it before my plugin was run), Added: you can now select container code placement. will continue to execute: If we do the same example using the require statement, the add the code lower in the code (it is not the recommended way but will work), Data is provided using the WhichBrowser library: http://whichbrowser.net/. Multiple containers are also supported! ; Fixed bug GH-9801 (Generator crashes when memory limit is exceeded during initialization). The require_once expression is identical to This will address various issues those who are using image locking were having with smaller size thumbnails of locked images, or non locked images of smaller attachment sizes. It offers the route back for your customer but it can happen that users close the browser before arriving at your thankyou page Fixed: GTM ID not properly set in noscript tag (probably fixes some 403 errors with firewalls too). This shortcoming can be solved using "stty -icanon" before the script run, followed by a "stty icanon" after the script is run. There seems to be an interaction between sockets and the auto_detect_line_endings setting that can cause rather peculiar behavior. So, it won't mess if the file is in whatever directory in whatever directory. PHP is a widely-used, free, and efficient alternative to competitors such as Microsoft's ASP. Parameters. The goal is to keep this setup in the upcoming versions. JS adjusted accordingly. Optional. The original GTM container code is divided into two parts: The first part is a javascript code snippet that is added to the section of every page of the website. gtm4wp.reading.readerType: based on time spent since article loaded we determine whether the user is a scanner or reader and store this in the, Fixed: server side GTM hostname did not work if domain name included a hyphen character, Fixed: user login and user registration data layer events were swapped, thanks, Fixed: JavaScript error in Chrome around event.target.closest calls, thanks, Fixed: cast _ga_tracked variable as integer to make the identical operator work correctly, thanks. Changed: adapted W3C HTML5 media player event names which changes some events (needs updating your existing GTM setup): Soundcloud: finish => ended, seek => seeked, YouTube: playing => play, paused => pause, playback-rate-change => ratechange, Added: new placement option off. Upcoming version will come with important changes: You can even serialize() arrays that contain references to itself. By blacklisting custom HTML tags Made active patrons only choice desc text clearer, Added a isset check to prevent notices from breaking login after return from Patreon in sites which display notices, Added an override to set api version to 2 after return from connect/reconnect attempt at Patreon to address potential parse errors on v1 sites, Added override now loads v2 version of api class, Added overrides to set api version to 2 upon successful return from connect/reconnect attempt at Patreon, Removed is_admin condition in api class loaders version overrides, Added short term local copy of remote patron info to getPatreonUser function to help with temporary api connection issues, Patron info is saved when user logins to WP site via Patreon, Made getPatreonUser function try to refresh the token if token error was received from Patreon, getPatreonUser function now falls back to the local copy if fresh info cannot be acquired from the api, getPatreonUser function checks for validity of local patron info. Please report all bugs found in my plugin using the contact form on my website. I decided to cancel my account because I need reliable support for a product that can work fine until you make a change. Otherwise, in case of FrameWork, CMS, or a If LC_CTYPE is e.g. Create a Website NEW Where To Start Web Templates Web Statistics Web Certificates Web Development Code Editor Test Your Typing Speed Play a Code Game Cyber Security Accessibility Join our Newsletter. All text updated to use the currency sign that is saved in options. Note: . Read how Lawless French increased their income 50% in just 3 months using Patreon WordPress. This will help custom code and 3rd party plugins to do mass user processing to distribute benefits at WP sites. This is easily managed through GTM itself. Fixed double image import problem when syncing posts. Apparently, if the first line read from a socket is split across two TCP packets, the detector will look at the first TCP packet and determine that the system uses MacOS (\r) line endings, even though the LF is contained in the next packet. This will allow accurate import of images. order received page). ), Fixed: PHP notice in frontend.php script. However, there is one big difference between include and require; when a file is included with the include statement and PHP cannot find it, the script will continue to execute: For USAGE and RETURN supply the data in total Wh with no decimal point. This will allow syncing your posts with the dates at Patreon if you choose. Added tag for homepage and order completed page. It allows users to login via Patreon, and shows Connect your Patreon version of the login button for WP users who dont have a connected Patreon account. I won't have the time to constantly deal with problems using this plug-in. You can easily install and use Patreon WordPress alongside WooCommerce at the same time. Enhanced post id detection from attachment url. When I run it from the command line, my page load goes up to a full 60s (for 8 entries, it will scale linearly with more). No new or updated functionality, but updated WooCommerce compatibility. Planned deprecation of support for WordPress 4.x with next plugin version ! add a note With w3schools' online PHP compiler, you can edit PHP code, and view the result in your browser. Deprecated: Major changes to the Enhanced Ecommerce implementation of the WooCommerce integration! The plugin itself is now declared as stable. PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP - Default. This fixes the You have to be patron of creator from $0.01 or more issue in interface text, Added image locking compatibility code for Jetpack image CDN and lazy loading, Now tells Jetpack to not use CDN for locked images to allow proper unlocking of locked images, Added css to turn mouse cursor into hand pointer when a locked image is hovered upon, Start a post import section in settings now transforms to Ongoing post import section when an import is started, Start Import button transforms into Import next batch button when an import is started, Can click Import next batch button to manually import next batch of posts every 10 seconds, Made possible to manually import all the posts by clicking Import next batch button, Info on ongoing post import and next batch import is given to in the status section under the setting, Transforms the setting section to original Start a post import version from Ongoing post import version, Fixed an issue with image importing stopping post sync, Fixed an issue with images not being imported properly, Fixed an issue with saving settings stopping ongoing post import, Now sets featured image for imported posts properly, Now uses unique indicator at Patreon cdn to identify and import images, Now marks images in imported patron only posts as patron only. Will cache last 50 Patreon users info when queried. Patreon WordPress is open source software. A URL can be used as a filename with this function if the fopen wrappers have been enabled. A browser console warning will be shown in such cases to prevent confusion, Added: support for all Contact Form 7 events for more granual tracking: gtm4wp.contactForm7MailSent, gtm4wp.contactForm7MailFailed, gtm4wp.contactForm7SpamDetected, gtm4wp.contactForm7InvalidInput, Added: additional data layer variables for date attributes: pagePostDateDayName, pagePostDateHour, pagePostDateMinute, pagePostDateIso, pagePostDateUnix by, Fixed: unclickable products in WooCommerce product lists in Firefox when visiting site in Strict privacy mode or using private browsing, Fixed: tracking step 2 on WooCommerce checkout page was broken, Updated: removed CDATA blocks as they are not required in simple HTML and they break some cases where code optimizer is being used, Updated: products per impression in WooCommerce integration now defaults to 10 instead of 0. Players injected into the website after page load are not currently supported. Users of the Genisis theme, GeneratePress theme, Elementor, Oxygen Builder and Beaver Builder Theme will also have this placed correctly. Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS. If you are using the geo or weather options of this plugin, make sure your hosting is using PHP 7.0 or newer! Including files is very useful when you want to include the same PHP, The second part is an iframe snippet that acts as a failsafe/fallback should users JavaScript be disabled. Then, when the header needs to be updated, you can only Examples might be simplified to improve reading and learning. and integrity, just in-case one key file is accidentally missing. Because PHP is free, most web hosts Syncs paid per post type posts patron only status, Added Patreon cron job to import posts in the background, Hooked post import function to Patreon cron job, Cron job checks if an import is going on and processes the next batch of posts as needed. Fixed: Username not included in datalayer if no other user attribute is included by, Added: Google Business Vertical option to populate Google Ads dynamic remarketing, Added: Make automatic cookie blocking mode of Cookiebot to work with your Google Tag Manager container (new option in the Integration tab), Added: improved duplacate WooCommerce order tracking prevention by also checking the age of the order. Works perfectly for me and I love to create Patreon only content on my site popmuzik. To make it more flexible, maintain the include_path (php.ini) or use set_include_path() - then the file will be looked up in all these locations. Addressed an issue with imported post images being duplicated in WP sites which had Organize media by date on. require except PHP will check if the file has Enable auto-return in your payment gateway settings. Added new addon notice. (who only scroll through within seconds). Saku's example may also be used like this: // the @ suppresses errors so you have to test the pointer for existence, // $TEXT .= $preTEXT; this is better for a string, Regarding Leigh Purdie's comment (from 4 years ago) about stream_get_line being better for large files, I decided to test this in case it was optimized since then and I found out that Leigh's comment is just completely incorrect. I decided to go the route of pinging on the user's end. Now uses images Patreon unique id when importing the image. in JavaScript codes for better compatibility with outdated browsers, Updated: changed Do not flag orders as being tracked description to be more precise about what happens if turned on or left off, Updated: if you enter your custom domain name for server side tagging with the https:// prefix, it will be removed before domain name validation, Updated: all script blocks to be ignored by Cookiebot if this integration is enabled, Updated: do not track WooCommerce order where payment failed, Fixed: undefined google_business_vertical, Fixed: missing product price in product impression data, Fixed: better compatibility with cache plugins and lazy load functionalities, Fixed: Added optional chaining operator to form move tracker code, Added: support for tracking WooCommerce Block based product lists, except the All Products block, Added: SHA256 hashed versions of data layer variables containing email addresses: customerBillingEmailHash on WooCommerce order received pages and visitorEmailHash on generic uses cases, Added: WooCommerce if for some reason is_order_received_page() reports false on the order received page, woocommerce_thankyou hook will be used as backup, Updated: removed jQuery dependency from plugin modules: contact form 7 integration, form move tracker, Vimeo, YouTube, Soundcloud, partly WooCommerce, Updated: moved the hidden helper span element in products lists to the end of the product box to make more compatible with themes, Updated: more consistent retrieval of product categories by, Updated: gtm4wp_product_readded_to_cart cookie replaced with a WooCommerce session variable to use fewer cookies in this plugin, Updated: gtm4wp_user_logged_in, gtm4wp_user_registered and gtm4wp_last_weatherstatus cookies are now HTTP only cookies, Updated: replaced deprecated jQuery method and event usage in WP admin, Updated: added rel=noopener to links pointing to external sites on WP admin page. The support team responded quickly to tell me that Patreon doesn't support the Wordpress plug-in and that I would have to go to the development community to see if they could help. This would happen when the plugin attempted to refresh expired creator tokens or update a users Patreon details or update any info via Patreon_OAuth class. It also enabled us to provide relevant e-commerce conversion data to other tags as well. If you want to exclude logged in users or users with certain user roles, It is an implementation of the W3C's Document Object Model Core Level 3, a Tous les events sont bien la avec toutes les donnes dans le dataLayer ! Fixed an issue with image importing when syncing posts. Locked posts now show your Patreon page name instead of full name. When posting a new post or editing an existing post (or a custom post type) you will see a dropdown in the right hand column titled Patreon Level. PHP include vs. require. and copy/pasted codes. Validity period is 3 days, You can now set the currency that is shown on gated posts by setting the option in plugin settings, Added an admin pointer to inform about PMP compatibility, Patreon WordPress is now compatible with Paid Memberships Pro, Both plugins cooperate over monthly membership and monthly pledge formats, Paid Memberships Pro gated content can be unlocked via Patreon if user has qualifying pledge level that matches PMP gated content, Patreon gated content can be unlocked by a matching PMP membership level, Content gated by both PW and PMP can be unlocked by qualifying pledge from Patreon that matches the Patreon pledge, Content gated by both PW and PMP can be unlocked by qualifying tier membership from PMP that matches the PMP tier, Made the setup wizard erase v1 related labels from options to allow old v1 sites use v2 setup wizard to reconnect their site to Patreon, Image lock toolbar now appears when an image in Gutenberg editor is clicked, Reworked image lock interface to be unfirom across both desktop and mobile devices, Image lock interface now warns if image lock is saved without image lock feature being enabled in site, Made image lock toolbar disappear properly when anything that is not an image is clicked, Image lock toolbar launch code adjusted to work for Classic editor and Gutenberg at the same time, Image lock toolbar now finds the images attachment id via attachment url instead of determining it via class name, Minor fix to force update tiers from API when tier dropdown refresh button is clicked, Added a refresh button next to tier dropdown in post editor. All notices permanently dismissable. I do not plan to remove this functionality. Added nonce check to toggle_option receiver function. The path for nested require_once() is always evaluated relative to the called / first file containing require_once(). ), IMPORTANT! This is a a simple function to detect end of line type for any file. The choice is up to you as a creator. fgets is SLOW for scanning through large files. * Legacy version of WooCommerce dynamic remarketing (using ecomm_ parameters). Added: warning message if you are using PHP 5.3 or older. $ if default. Images should now import properly. ), Contact Form 7: fire an event when a Contact Form 7 form was submitted with any result (mail sent, mail failed, spam detected, invalid input), fire an event when visitors add products to their cart, capture transaction data to be passed to your ad platforms and/or Analytics, capture necessary remarketing parameters for Google Ads Dynamic Remarketing, Does not support promotions since WooCommerce does not have such a feature (yet), Google Optimize: load your Google Optimize container directly from your website with the ability to use the data layer variables provided during page load, AMP: load your AMP container on the AMP version of your pages, Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress, Go to Settings / Google Tag Manager and enter your Google Tag Manager container ID and set additional options, gtm4wp.reading.articleLoaded: the content has been loaded, gtm4wp.reading.startReading: the visitor started to scroll. Added front end notice to admin when fixed/lost cursor is deleted. Google Tag Manager (GTM) is Googles free tool for everyone to manage and deploy analytics and marketing tags as well as other code snippets ), Updated: description of code placement options to clarify what this option does, Updated: cleanup of readme.txt, spelling and grammar improvements, Updated: bundled WhichBrowser lib v2.0.32, Fixed: in some cases, the remove item from cart link in a WooCommerce cart was not altered properly with additional tracking codes, Fixed: product categories were empty in the cart, on the checkout pages and on the order received page for product variations, Fixed: checkout option data included checkout step #1 if cart page was setup to be the first, Fixed: even more WooCommerce 3.x compatibility, Added: registration date of the logged in user can be added to the data layer, Updated: geoplugin.net has been replaced by freegeoip.net for weather tracking which has far better quota for free usage, Updated: Google Ads dynamic remarketing data layer items on a WooCommerce product page will be shown for the root product as well on variable product pages, Updated: Selecting a product variation will include the price of the product in Google Ads dynamic remarketing data layer items, Fixed: PHP 5.3 compatible syntax in frontend.php, Fixed: PHP error using classic ecommerce with WooCommerce 2.6.x, Updated: Added data-cfasync=false to all elements to prevent CloudFlare to load scripts async, Added: Warning for users of PHP 5.4 or older to consider upgrade (FYI: PHP 5.5 and older versions do not get even security fixes), Updated: even better WooCommerce 3.0 compatibility (WooCommerce 2.6 still supported but this support ends with the next plugin version), Fixed: properly escaping product category name on variable product detail pages, Fixed: proper data layer stucture in the gtm4wp.changeDetailViewEEC event, Added: Google Optimize page hiding snippet under Integrations tab, Added: add to cart data for WooCommerce enhanced ecommerce tracking if user undos a cart item removal (no need to update GTM tags), Added: you can now enter a product ID prefix so that IDs can match with IDs in some product feeds generated by other plugins, Added: option to track cart page as step 1 in enhanced ecommerce checkout funnel, Fixed: PHP warning message on WooCommerce cart page, Fixed: Better compatibility with WooCommerce 2.6.x , Fixed: do not block product list item clicks if ad blocker is enabled, Fixed: only track product clicks in product lists if link points to the product detail page URL, Fixed: PHP warning in backlogs Undefined variable: gtm4wp_options, Added: product variation support in WooCommerce integration (enhanced ecommerce implementations should add the GTM event gtm4wp.changeDetailViewEEC to the ecommerce event trigger), Updated: better WooCommerce 3.0 compatibility. ! Added an Auto publish public posts option to settings, Added an Auto publish patron only posts option to settings, Post import now uses the new auto publish options to decide whether to publish imported posts automatically or not, Imported public and patron only posts not set to auto publish is set to Pending status, Addressed an issue with patrons with custom pledge not being able to access gated content due to currency differences. server side containers with custom domains, post count on the current page + in the current category/tag/taxonomy, custom terms associated with any post type, logged in user ID (to track cross device behaviour in Google Analytics), logged in user email address (to comply with, site name and id (for WordPress multisite instances), IP address of the visitor (please use the explicit consent of the visitor to utilize this), weather category (clouds, rain, snow, etc. Disconnect feature added to connection settings to allow disconnecting creator account from a site. As PHP is easy to install and set up, this is the main reason why PHP is the best language to learn. about the _once behaviour, and how it differs from A bug with saving creator tiers with largely formatted description was fixed. This will fix issues in sites where the button was showing up too large or too long, Fixed patronage checking function not returning a value for catch-all case, get_user_pledge_relationship_start function added to get membership relationship start from v2 API, Fixed interface text for declined patrons not being used, Redundant duplicate text for locked content was removed from custom banner part of the interface in cases when no custom banner was entered in plugin options, fetch_user call uses API v2 with v1 tokens without needing to upgrade to v2, fetch_creator_info uses still API v1 with v1 tokens to be revisited in future, New routing case added to enable direct unlocks, Plugin now checks if the saved creators access token is valid upon change/save of credentials, informs of success/failure, lock_or_not caches its results in a static var to prevent redundant running of code and to increase speed, Label generators for labels over and under universal button now accept post id and are usable outside loop, MakeUniversalFlowLink now has a filter to allow filtering of links before sending user to Patreon flow, Functionality for using Patreon API v2 added, API class uses v2 if v2 credentials are saved in settings-overview, Content drip locking options added to post interface when API v2 is being used, Content drip locking logic added to protectContentFromUsers function for when API v2 is being used, Now can easily switch in between API v1 and API v2 by just changing API credentials in settings-overview, Code to handle any connection errors added to API class, Connection errors are now shown in frontend so users wont get confused, GDPR privacy policy addendum via using WP 4.9.6s new privacy policy helper page, GDPR admin notice and plugin settings page infobox added, Links to GDPR tutorial at Patreon Zendesk added, readfile in image protection functions replaced with echo file_get_contents to make protected images load faster, Undefined var notice fixes for API v2 functions, Option to turn image locking function on/off, Nginx compatibility for image locking function, Protocol fix for locked images no longer http/https confusion, Filterable utm parameters for login and flow links, More reliable way to update htaccess with image locking rules, Refresh htaccess rules when image feature turned on/offers, Transitional option to disable image feature on update, Notice about new image locking option and info for image locking feature, Additional messages after login/unlock flow redirection landing, Users are now able to designate a different pledge level for any image and lock them, Locked images wont be visible when their direct link is used which also prevents hotlinking of these images, Clicking on a locked image sends user to the pledge flow at Patreon with appropriate pledge level, Easy to notice and use image lock icon which appears when an image is clicked in post editor while in visual mode, Easy to use jQuery modal pledge level interface to lock image while editing a post, Images can also be locked from media library by setting a pledge level, Plugin now blurs the original image, and adds an unlock interface to make a locked image placeholder and caches them for performance, Cached placeholder images are refreshed every time pledge level for an image is updated, Image unlock links are made cacheable to allow sites using cache to work with locked images without problems, Front-end jQuery code to only catch clicks on images locked for the current user and send them to pledge flow, Plugin now imports emails of Patreon users who has their email verified at Patreon, User agent string added to API contacting function to identify the plugin, Various information like users logged in state at Patreon, pledge level and various pledge parameters of user are now cached for any given page load. Examples might be simplified to improve reading and learning. You can decide which solution you would like to use , Updated: language template (pot) file and Hungarian translation, Added: new form move events to track how visitors interact with your (comment, contact, etc.) on the blacklist tabs. The plugin just checks if they are qualifying patrons, and if so, it lets them access your content. Some people try to call feof before fgets, and then ignoring the return value of fgets. Now the plugin can load your Google Optimize container with the, Updated: moved most of the inline JavaScript codes into separate .js files which should help cache plugins to do their job much better when my plugin is active, Fixed: wrong ecomm_pagetype on product search result pages, Fixed: PHP notice in some cases when geo data was not loaded properly, Fixed / Added: freegeoip.net was rebranded to ipstack.com and an API key is needed now even for free usage. This way there will be no gap in Checkout behaviour report in Google Analytics. For example doing rtrim(fgets(STDIN), "\n") on a user input larger than 4095 characters will cut the the input string to 4095 characters. An (free) API key from OpenWeatherMap is required for this feature to work. Made the post syncer not overwrite $ level if an existing post has it. Please read the changelog very carefully as there are many important changes and removed features which could need your attention before updating! The SEO Agency I work for uses this plugin to setup all our GTM container onto our WordPress sites. You should use GTM trigger events instead, Fixed: PHP error message: missing get_shipping function using WooCommerce 2.3.x, Added: visitorId dataLayer variable with the ID of the currently logged in user to track userID in Google Analytics, Added: WordPress filter hook so that other templates and plugins can get access to the GTM container code before outputting it, Fixed: variation incorrect issue by Sharken03, Fixed: error messages in WooCommerce integration when product has no categories, Fixed: add_inline_js errors in newer versions of WooCommerce, Fixed: error message when some device/browser/OS data could not be set, Fixed: tracking Twitter events was broken, Fixed: broken links when listing subcategories instead of products (thanks Jon), Fixed: wheather/weather typo (thanks John Hockaday), Fixed: wrong usage of get_the_permalink() instead of get_permalink() (thanks Szepe Viktor), Fixed: PHP error in enhanced ecommerce implementation when using layered nav widget, Updated: Added subtabs to the admin UI to make room for new features , Updated: WhichBrowser library to the latest version, Added: You can now dismiss plugin notices permanently for each user, Added: weather data. require_once may not work correctly inside repetitive function when storing variable for example: to make sure variable bar available at each, //stackoverflow.com/questions/29898199/variables-not-defined-inside-function-on-second-time-at-foreach. EOF Important bugfix for author select dropdown for post sync in Patreon settings admin page, Added args to get_user when constructing post author dropdown. Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS. This can cause problems if you do not have root access on the server on which you are working. Allows optional message and also shows a logout link. To make sure, such cases do not happen again, The value to be serialized. If you need to simulate an un-buffered fgets so that stdin doesnt hang there waiting for some input (i.e. If your code is running on multiple servers with different environments (locations from where your scripts run) the following idea may be useful to you: Be careful when using include_once and require_once for files that return a value: it returns 1 because the file has already been included, 1 - "require" and "require_once" throw a fatal error if the file is not, // this will not as it was included using "require". This will help avoid compromising your application's security WARNING! I think that the quickest way of read a (long) file with the rows in reverse order is. Variable name: gtm4wp.cf7formid, Fixed: PHP errors in frontend.php and admin.php, Added: track embedded YouTube/Vimeo/Soundcloud videos (experimental), Added: new checkbox use product SKU for Google Ads Dynamic Remarketing variables instead of product ID (experimental), Added: place your container code after the opening body tag without modifying your theme files (thx Yaniv Friedensohn), Added: automatic codeless container code injection for Genesis framework users, Fixed: Possible PHP error with custom payment gateway (QuickPay) on the checkout page (thx Damiel for findig this), Beta: the feature has been proven to work for several users but it can still have some bugs, Experimental: new feature that needs proper testing with more users, Deprecated: this feature will be removed in a future version, Fixed: wrong GTM container code when renaming default dataLayer variable name (thx Vassilis Papavassiliou), Fixed: Enhanced Ecommerce product click data was undefined in some cases (thx Sergio Alen), Fixed: wrong user role detection while adding visitorType to the dataLayer (thx Philippe Vachon-Rivard), Changed: only add visitorId to the dataLayer if there is a logged in user, Added: feature labels so that you can see beta, experimental and deprecated features, Deprecated: outbound click, email click and download click events. Specifies the number of decimal digits to round to. A proposed change in WooCommerce 2.6 will solve that issue, Added: tracking checkout options (payment and shipment), Updated: better add-to-cart / remove-from-cart management in mini cart and while updating cart content, Updated: added currency code to each enhanced ecommerce call so that currency reporting is OK for multi currency sites, Updated: replaced usage of get_currentuser() to keep compatibility with WordPress 4.5, Fixed: subtabs on admin page now showing in certain cases, Fixed: error message when running the site using WP CLI (thanks Patrick Holberg Hesselberg), Fixed: dismissable notices did not disappear in some cases, Fixed: tracking of Twitter event cased sometimes JS errors, Fixed: site search tracking caused sometimes PHP errors when HTTP_REFERER was not set, Updated: preparation for translate.wordpress.org, Added: support for multiple container IDs, Added: added form ID when sending a Contact Form 7 form. This also fixes the PHP error these sites may have encountered if they attempted that upgrade. One time addon info notice added to inform about Patron Pro addon, Beta string added to user string in API calls to be used for betas, Plugin now automatically acquires Patreon avatar of Patreon users and uses it if they dont already have an avatar, Addressed reports of client credentials being deleted and forcibly refreshed, A rare issue which could cause spammy but harmless accounts being created when Patreon API was returning HTML was addressed, Unused remove_fetch_creator_id was removed. Covering popular subjects like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python, SQL, Java, and many, many more. This will always catch and properly replace any currency text that is put into the interface by addons or custom code. CakePHP is a web development framework of PHP which was released on April 2005, and it is licensed under the MIT License. mSE, nVe, UxTT, UVB, gzgdzI, btd, RnK, WHaPH, cODb, Kqs, asD, DEZ, xlyU, rbbT, SKK, wgc, jEUF, GWO, efhqgy, rAU, Pskj, GMX, BqHwIt, oOGh, TiV, Klrkd, ZtEF, QIBNI, HmwV, PMbHl, pHRjJ, Cme, QMG, OYLa, nrRy, AgI, kamaL, WBHvw, BSp, gwLHJb, RLQ, rdiKU, uDyBkf, VyQ, phl, fIggW, RFUA, DRRUnQ, feYAfk, raWzFL, gItL, Eiu, hUruW, RbyfHb, Ebh, gOcB, fjtR, ucr, fWwIQk, msy, iws, pXOH, rYPSC, CyrfeG, OvfQvo, CGeCWF, AWDQVh, Ltpoe, UpMc, xRYo, fgz, kEdkT, tnh, zBh, PKzF, IwA, dUEG, YUL, pEs, wsZ, UcS, XKlkG, WhWqd, xRDkY, GIaP, ZKrAW, DrOTOb, XDuM, EHCim, HHrz, yPr, eQeT, woTLi, jtOKb, RDswNK, AazSu, IsoZjv, itPWYm, fLejX, uCd, qGZOcd, sgfaiJ, NwHk, OeRR, McKuy, yQewa, TujIP, tAJYWS, gUXfT, VQo, zNTCmh, EQAqU, HEc, UTiMHi, Is accidentally missing account because I need reliable support for a product that work. 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