The analysis I read/heard stated that the markets had been calmed up until 2028 by the policies in that budget. The UKGovs Power Grab sprang immediately to mind on reading that. Meanwhile the Snp are under English law in a English legislated devolved Colonial government placed in Scotland without a completed Treaty. Having dropped us in it with the once in a generation tosh (yes, I know its not in the S.30 agreement, but thats not how politics works, is it?) Despite having most of a decade to work on it, the party has spectacularly failed to come up with answers to any of the questions that cost us votes in 2014. Nicola Sturgeon could have put the matter of Holyroods legislative authority to the Supreme Court at any point since she became First Minister in November 2014. How dare England presume to treat us as their little colony. There was clearly something sinister with the count. That is crazy. Bloody hell. We also use these cookies to understand how customers use our services (for example, by measuring site visits) so we can make improvements. In the eyes of our English rulers,, Scotland is nothing more than another Shire of Greater England. Cragg was released from prison in December 2020. Jamie. Alba will stand every 5 years for it and eventually we will win. I dont even know if Alba are intending to stand a candidate in my GE constituency. . Claim of Right, lets drive this fecker back to a fringe party along with the cultish greens. On the UK Supreme Court website, it says: Can the UKSC overrule the UK Parliament? Stuart McTavish: given British (English) constitutional law, there could not have been any other finding and ruling. Algorithm is a variant of algorism and ultimately comes from Arabic al-Khwrizm, which refers to the 9th-century mathematician Muammad ibn Ms al-Khwrizm.In this name, Khwrizm refers to an area of Central Asia now divided between Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan.Algorism became algorithm because of the influence of Ancient Why should we be bound to democracy when the only democracy available to us is a corrupt and dirty sham that gives true democracy a bad name? The Colony back up plan is the Welsh model. Except Ive been through all the fuses and theyre all ok. The Sri Lankans stormed their parliament recently and ousted their useless corrupt government, it may come to that in Scotland, I cant think of any country thats broken its bonds from Westminster without some sort of struggle, it will be no different for Scotland. Claim of right involves the Scottish peoples emntitlement to choose a sovereign. On the contrary, the legislation establishes and promotes a system of devolution founded on principles of subsidiarity.. A Country Entitled to ignore Westminster laws. Its not a fuse in the main fuse box, nor the second fuse box under the seat. Therefore, the United States Code at 18U.S.C. I see the Beeb have added a have your say to the headline article. So, dont worry if you feel uncomfortable throwing these phrases into conversation at first. Nicola Sturgeon MSP First Minister of Scotland. 23.11.2022 from this day forth in history, now its official that we are a Colony of WM/England. Yes voters didnt refuse to accept a 55% No vote. She was asked about working with other parties and straight away avoided the question entirely, this woman hasnt changed her spots and doesnt know how to move forward, so for Scotland nothing is going to change until we change the leader running the country. Perhaps the passing of the Sturgeons GRRB will qualify us as a colony. I will never see independence in my lifetime. Lets just say Laurel and hardy have more chance pushing a piano upstairs than SNP have achieving independence. A psychological examiner at the time reported that "Robert is a child growing up without any encouragement and support," and that he "has a sense of failure that has infiltrated almost every aspect of his inner self. Sturgeon is a fraud, a self-perpetuator of a cushy existence. Andy Ellis She is a walking lie. want to leave but be ruled by Brussels She can say she kept her word to have a referendum, and its not her fault the people said no.. This is not a judgement imposed by England on Scotland, but a decision by the UK Supreme Court, whose president and deputy president are both Scotsmen the Lords Robert John Reed and Patrick Hodge.. as que decidimos ir al mismo sitio que siempre. While some say this phrase may have been created simply for its rhyming quality, others think it may have something to do with the actual locations as a symbol of going from the material to the spiritual. A la hora de decidir las cosas siempre hacis lo que queris y mi opinin no se toma encuenta. (My friend has sticky fingers. Aye, the colonial penny surely had to drop eventually, tho plenty o signposts ower three centuries an mair o Scots fowk bein doun-hauden an mony treaty violations tae, added to the fact the UN describes independence as decolonization: The sentence is imprisonment for 12 to 20 years. I was wondering who was the last PM to be elected PM with a 50+1 percent of the vote.. I thought the following was interesting however. For most of that time it hasnt even been trying. Just one thing about WGD. The morning after the vote is when the poll was publicised. And it matters, not only to me but in objective terms. attempts to change the regime or actions aimed at incitement, destruction of territory, sabotage to public and economic utilities. 2:25pm They have people knocking on doors and making the case for independence every week. The only military person in the history of Brazil to be convicted of treason was Carlos Lamarca, an army captain who deserted to become the leader of a communist-terrorist guerrilla against the military government. Its all rigged with false narratives pedaled as truth. This is because Ceca was a place where the Romans made coins while Mecawas a sacred place of pilgrimage for Muslims. Yes. Is that decided by local hustings like? Translation: to go through the hills of beda, Meaning: To ramble on about something completely off-topic, to suddenly change the topic orrespond with something that has nothing to do with the conversation, to make bunny trails. If this was all part of some master plan carefully thought out and scripted, then why are the SNP having to hold meetings to work out where they go from here? The passion has gone but so has the pride. A demo that does anything to distract from her role and her failures is not in the interests of the independence movement. It wasnt my faultthe sheets stuck to me! Demand they act. I havent vomited in some time but I remember when I did my mouth felt all sweaty and wet beforehand, the way it does right now. The Westminster parliaments imagination that it joined in a treaty with a extinguished parliament of Scotland is more accurate in reality. Its the same one as Ellis posted but thank you all the same. Would you like me to go through the history of her relations and interactions with the grassroots? When he has brought out all his own, he We have been fighting the wrong end of the Treaty of union for to long. Maanpetos (translates literally to betrayal of land) consists in joining enemy armed forces, making war against Finland, or serving or collaborating with the enemy. Just about to email Nicola Sturgeon to demand her resignation for all the reasons given above. Id go one further and encourage everyone to open up social media accounts and then bombard her accounts with your disapprovals. "A person who merely responds to the agitation and follows the lead of another or merely joins in the violence": imprisonment or imprisonment without prison labor for not more than five years. But she wont, and the once mighty Independence movement will fizzle away. It must be made personal they need to feel the disgust and fury. This is the only way we are getting out from under without recourse to arms, and who wants that? If Ukraine has any spare weapons left after expelling the Russian version of the Tory party History tells you so. Stu is correct. By far. if they do then we move to civil disobedience, and rightly so. The Monarch is responsible for giving Royal Assent to any and all Bills passed at both Houses as a legal requirement. If you cant tell the difference between a demo arranged by Sturgeon for Sturgeon, and a real demo arranged by independence supporters, youre right we have nothing to discuss. The international community will be agnostic as to whether thats demonstrated ina referendum or plebiscitary elections. in a new language, and even more so at the beginning. I agree. We cant vote for them. ie Lord Reed himself came to a different conclusion to the one reported . It originates from a popular belief that there are little worms inside the human stomach that demand food, especially around lunchtime. The second step is to attend meetings and be a part of the push for change. Then its settled for a political generation (20 years). In the meantime, I am reaching out to ask you to sign and share the petition to the SNP and Scottish Government calling for them to implement a Scottish Parliament solution to the question of our future, not one dictated, limited, and controlled by Westminster. Robert Louis, correct me if Im wrong, but the demos tonight were arranged by Sturgeons fan base, no? Did we not know way back in 2011 that we required Westminsters permission to have a legally binding referendum? When their is some britnat nonsense, like the English kings coronation next year, and the likes of the BBC ask for input, bombard them with demands for Scottish democracy, and an end to English colonial rule. Given the fact that several court cases around this have been totally unsuccessful, it was a waste of time and money. I would prefer a dragon or St Georges cross or leprechaun to that flag. High treason means crimes committed with the intent to put the Nation, or parts thereof, under foreign rule or influence. y le cont lo que quera ocultar. The Westminster Gov couldnt give one fuck if people are out in the streets going this is unfair. Jefferson accepted the argument, put forward by Billy's well-wishers, that - not being a citizen and not enjoying any of the benefits of being one - Billy owed no loyalty to Virginia and therefore had committed no treason. They can not under any circumstances allow us to leave as that would be Armageddon for England and their standing on the world stage. Coverage of Sandifer's death and retrospectives on his short, violent life were widely published in the American media. If UK democracy is broken and dysfunctional, then let that be the demise of the broken and dysfunctional UK. Excellent 2,200. Its online set-up is laughable, and it doesnt have a patch on the English version. All of them remain faithful to Nicola Sturgeon. What the adjudication means is that Holyrood is owned by Westminster not Scotland, and is just a colonial office administering Westminster rule in open defiance of Scotlands sovereign people. The Westminster cabal tell us every other day that we are a family of nations, that the Union is a partnership. If not why would they be going there? Maybe we have put too much credence in her actual abilities and thinking she can achieve more than she is actually capable of. As has been stated on innumerable times on this website Sturgeon has just been wasting everyones time. [12][13], Around 400 people attended Sandifer's funeral, which was held at the Youth Center Church of God in Christ on Chicago's Northwest Side. Im at a stage where I want the team to lose, because anything resembling a victory will bolster the position of the useless manager. Get your folks signing up to SALVOs Liberation Organisation. This is not a judgement imposed by England on Scotland, but a decision by the UK Supreme Court, whose president and deputy president are both Scotsmen the Lords Robert John Reed and Patrick Hodge. Devolution is a tool of the Union and nothing more. Dont try and tell me it doesnt have our jailers (England) best interests at heart. few strings short of a racket, off your rocker, etc. So, yes, numbers do matter. Martin Im just thinking about the two international lawyers who were paid an undisclosed amount of taxpayers money by the UK Government to state that Scotland ceased to exist in 1707 and became Lesser England. Is she really so freaking well naive? Look on the bright side re. That is what people want. Macho (Male). Now WE have to find a way of upsetting that particular applecart because the SNP cant. Wade @ 4.41. Scotlands Parish Council is irrelevant official. Dissolving treaties, I presume, is entirely another matter. Right now SNP politicians are sitting in the background hoping all this fizz goes away. provides unlimited and fast file cloud storage that enables you to securely share and access files online. The de facto route is likely to face a significant legal challenge if the result is to be interpreted by seats won, for the very obvious reason that each vote in a referendum counts; whereas those in a constituency do not. If you really want Independence you will have to fight for it. 50% + 1 is enough in either, and certainly a lot more likely to happen, and to be recognised as legitimate, than cunning plans for indy. I have faith because the hardcore Scottish nationalists that built the winning SNP have joined Alba. Apply cold logic, and the evidence of your eyes and ears from the last eight years, and make up your own mind. Category It is only as an adult I finally got to see the SNP win thanks to Alex Salmond. 4.7.5, The world's most-read Scottish politics website, Posted on Their whole populations wanted it enough to do it. para vivir en Espaa y no he vuelto todava. No more going cap in hand to Westminster or its institutions; we force them to challenge us. The international community recognises countries. Meaning: To suffer momentary confusion, get mixed up, lose control. Rev. (My parents still havent decided whether or not theyre going to letme go on vacation with my friend. I dont ever recall the inmates of a prison being given such a referendum. Obviously, it can be done, but just tougher than under FPTP and DHondt. After committing murder, arson and armed robbery, he was murdered by his own fellow gang members who feared he could become an informant, and that he was attracting too much attention towards their activities. They didnt achieve 60% in 2014 after all. They arent colonial situations, theyre not being oppressed and they can exercise their rights in other ways (unless of course youre a paid up Scotland as colony enthusiast in which case, it should be a breeze, right.? Sturgeon clearly does not care one jot about independence or Scottish democracy. The hate crimes, denial of freedom of speech, trial without jury etc etc all sound like supression. Let that be inscribed on your grave, on which many would love to dance. Has she resigned yet? Getting control of councils under STV must be hard, even for the best-run administrations. [10] As a result, Congress passed the Expatriation Act of 1868, which granted Americans the right to freely renounce their U.S. citizenship. I know the Councillors didnt respond to locals inquiring to rectify the issue. Incompetent or ("Tractor" - Ed), imo shes both. (leave Guatemala and enter into Guateworse), (escape the thunder and get hit by lightning), Quera decirte algo en relacin con la fiesta pero. At times, the term traitor has been used as a political epithet, regardless of any verifiable treasonable action. o kill the little worm (the Spanish suffix, Dentro de una hora comemos con nuestros amigos. Section 12 of the Crimes Act 1900 (NSW) creates an offence which is derived from section 3 of the Treason Felony Act 1848:[13]. It needs to be a mass protest. Now that the British nationalists have demonstrated that they are not negotiating in good faith and will not accept (repeated) democratic mandates for the Scottish Parliament to hold a referendum, then it is a matter for the Scottish people to decide. My anger is at the ("Tractor" - Ed) who calls herself a Independence supporter since she was 16, Aye 16seconds and every other year, hour and minute shes been a full blown unionist at that. Why the lack of urgency? I thought at the time that obviously the break up of the UK isnt going to happen before 2028. GRAHAME CASE. NS: The GE will be a referendum on Scottish independence. I am surprised that I was able to predict the SC decision when less than one third of those who bothered to vote got it right. Generally parole is not available until 18 years of a life sentence have elapsed.[19]. This system deserves cremation. Who decides what winning is? Ive said it before, it was screamingly obvious to me that before Scotland was Brexited, a Constitutional bust-up of the UK which left Scotland in the EU and England free to pursue its Brexit misadventure, and solve the Irish backstop, was for Scotland to be a buffer state, in a quasi Benelux Trade Agreement with former UK nations, and functioning an intermediary between Europe and English trade. 50/50 doesnt cut it ask the Catalans. The Brits ie English have never left anywhere without a bloody mess. (Im undecided concerning this matter.). It is a False Flag, signifying only the supremacy of the imperial power. It establishes a You may have wondered why the Supreme Court was at pains to emphasise Scotland was not a colony. Im starting to like Keatings a lot. While kneeling, Sandifer was shot twice in the back of the head by the Hardaway brothers. ,, Facts are chiels that winna ding Voters born outwith Scotland decided the Outcome of the 2014 Independence Referendum and Will Do Again in the Next One,, Wings Over Scotland is a (mainly) Scottish political media digest and monitor, which also offers its own commentary. If anything this frees up any SNP MSP to vote on their conscience rather than continue down a road dictated by the blackmail of a party that might in all possibility withhold support at any point. Indyref 2 or a plebiscite election can be fought on the proviso Scotland joins EFTA. I have my doubts the Tories will wait until January 2025: theyll probably take a punt before then at whatever point they think they will lose fewest seats to Labour. Pero como tengo mucha hambre,comer unas galletas saladas para matar el gusanillo. Which is one of the reasons why I am vehemently against an IndyII referendum. Deliberately of course see Wings passim. SNP is now utterly corrupt and compromised. Nothing more, nothing less. I thought it was treaty, treaties can be created or dissolved if one party wishes to leave hence the UK leaving the EU. I have never not voted tactically. 24 November, 2022 at 4:47 am Aw along with us as we learn 30 cute Spanish phrases for everyday use. Or how about Alistair Darlings deception on the currency? 12 Compassing etc deposition of the Sovereignoverawing Parliament etc Until the late 19th Century, Britain - like various other countries - held to a doctrine of "perpetual allegiance to the sovereign", dating back to feudal times, under which British subjects, owing loyalty to the British Monarch, remained such even if they emigrated to another country and took its citizenship. Sturgeon saying a wider platform for Independence is needed now is so ironic since she singlehandedly destroyed the Independence movement. "Crimes Related to Insurrection" is the internal treason, and may include a coup d'tat. Estoy muy irritada y no quiero que me molestes. Genuine question btw. So I will stick my neck out and make another prediction. Hes trying to turn white sovereignty into red sovereignty, which I applaud in principle, but unfortunately I believe that ship has already sailed, and indeed, was always a forlorn initiative from the instant Scotland became cursed with such a constitutionally inept First Minister as Sturgeon. And it must be a Scotish election that is used as an indy vote, to ensure 16 year olds and others can vote, and to ensure the lying bullies in London can have as little say as possible. Scotland is a unique basket case which will be creating a precedent whatever it does. Yes, we know that mandarins loyal to Imelda engineered the situation, but only the most one-eyed Essenpee loyalist would now believe that independence is feasible (or even sought) under the regime of Elsie MacSelfie and her crooked cabal. MPs must walk out of Westminster and form a Constitutional Convention. Guapo (Handsome). Its passing strange that folk still cant see it, but then look what happened when he tried to school them on the cunning franchise restriction plan! Thats the Sturgeon effect in a nutshell. The sentence was later commuted to life imprisonment and a $10,000 fine. FluentU is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to does the ruling mean rishi gets to decide what the monster raving looney party can and cannot put in their manifesto or does it give the power for rishi to stop scots from voting in any future election? She has ran rings round every single one of us. Therefore the next election in Scotland will become a de facto referendum on independence. or the map will turn Tory Blue. 4) Yes Scotland should change its name to liberation Scotland. The question is. The prepared and well-rehearsed speech from Sturgeon makes it clear that she will have to be toppled she aint going voluntarily. Meaning:To burn the candle at both ends, to study or read a lot. In the eyes of these detested bastards, Scotland is nothing more than a jumped up parish council, who would never survive a day without their funding. They say I live in the boondocks.). Im sorry to hear about the flooding thats awful. The Mormon prophet, Joseph Smith, was charged with treason against Missouri along with five others, at first in front of a state military court, but Smith was allowed to escape[58] to Illinois after his case was transferred to a civilian court for trial on charges of treason and other crimes. Yes, force England as the UK or rUK to challenge in court, but make it the international court., (skip to 13 min mark of the video summary for Lord Reeds misrepresentation of the judgement. This must also be matched by a civic campaign of protest and action across Scotland and an Independence Convention to steer the campaign. Ask and ye shall receive, I will not vote against the SNP if that would be a defacto unionist vote. [21] It is roughly equivalent to espionage; more precisely, it consists of betraying a secret either directly to a foreign power, or to anyone not allowed to know of it; in the latter case, treason is only committed if the aim of the crime was explicitly to damage the Federal Republic or to favor a foreign power. Both these statements are on the UK parliament Site, Requires a wholesale clean out from the snakes head down and who would be left that could deliver independence (or event wants it)? . [54] All Confederate officials received a blanket amnesty issued by President Andrew Johnson on Christmas Day, 1868. Isnt this just the biggest carrot yet, to be followed by the biggest stick? [1] This typically includes acts such as participating in a war against one's native country, attempting to overthrow its government, spying on its military, its diplomats, or its secret services for a hostile and foreign power, or attempting to kill its head of state. In other news, Kenny MacAskill would make a good figurehead for the Yes movement. A la hora de decidir las cosas siempre hacis lo que queris y mi opinin no se toma en, No quera decirle a Maricarmen lo de su novio pero en un momento. But keep it civil(ish) and within the law. He built a platform for independence which Sturgeon demolished. If there is any questions she will forget about it, wasnt aware and takes the matter seriously while its in the news. I am not sure Alba would want me. There are signs of other pressures beginning to build that could portend trouble for the independence movement. the ruling doesnt stop anyone from putting anything they want in a manifesto. This blog post is available as a convenient and portable PDF that you There are cracks in the ranks at Westminster. The devil will be in the detail. I guess he gets extra points for managing to stay on message. Its not their faultthey just have long hands! Sturgeon promised us a referendum but Westminster said NO. Stringing the gullible along yet again. 2) the ruling means the end of the illusion that Scotland would get its independence without fighting for it, and, yes, being prepared to make sacrifices in that fight. I can confirm the website is working fine on my mobile. And even if you did win under a Section 30 referendum, do you think the English would honour it??? If people had known the identities of all those involved in the Salmond affair, Sturgeon would not now be running the show and real independence seekers would have found a way forward. So Scotland can`t hold a referendum without the UK`s permission but of course it is actually England saying this and as usual it hides behind the uk badge. Excluding them, a greatly pro-indy demographic, looks like trying to minimise the chance of success. Big Jock @ 12:40pm SHOULD YOU NOT TRY AN INTERNATIONAL COURT RATHER THAN A UK ONE? I tell yi, once all Scots see the names involved in the Salmond stitch-up, eyes will be opened and the FM will be toast. The BBC Framing Scots have no power to do anything England doesnt permit. Sounds familiar? Nothing in the allocation of powers, however widely or narrowly interpreted, infringes any principle of self-determination.. Basically 50% + 1 is not even remotely close to being decisive by the countries listed. The United Kingdom used to be a super power but those days are long over. one is a vote for a referendum, the other is for independence. Two acts of the former Parliament of Ireland passed in 1537 and 1542 create further treasons which apply in Northern Ireland. This is the Nobel Prize laureates first book of new writing since 2004s Chronicles: Volume One.Learn more and pre-order your copy today. Angry at imposed ENGLISH colonial rule over Scotland by a Government we do not want and did not vote for. Thats a lot of cuteness to handle all at once! What colour will it be? I enquired. However, members of the Provisional IRA and other militant republican groups were not prosecuted or executed for treason for levying war against the British government during the Troubles. If anyone does find good DATA on the ethnic vote split then that would certainly spread some light. (We were going to go to the new bar that they just built in my neighborhood but it was practically empty so we decided to go to our usual spot instead. For everyone pushing for a plebiscitary election: PLEASE READ Stus ARTICLE OF 28th SEPTEMBER 2022 THE NEVER ENDING MANDATE WHICH SHOWS YOU WHAT THIS WILL (NOT) ACHIEVE. During her speech, the FM said (and I possibly paraphrase) that she has always had a desire for independence and, after todays court decision, that desire is even stronger. It has deliberately destroyed the reputation of Scotlands greatest and most effective politician with false smears, and sidelined or driven out all of its most able and experienced campaigners, replacing them with rafts of catastrophically inept gender ideologues or snivelling cowards terrified to express their own thoughts lest they share the fate of people like Alex Salmond and Joanna Cherry and Kenny MacAskill. While not the result we all wanted, it has made two things crystal clear. Many others are in the same position. 2)We are a colony in all but name. UKSC created in 2009 by House Jock Gordon Brown, who put a few Scottish House Jock judges on it to shut up Scots. The snp story is a old story, as old as the hills in scotland. We have a defacto referendum using a general election. The Cold War saw frequent talk linking treason with support for Communist-led causes. Maybe its been misreported but nothing in the judgements conclusion: (1) The provision of the proposed Scottish Independence Referendum Bill that provides that the question to be asked in a referendum would be Should Scotland be an independent country? does relate to reserved matters. I had lent my van to pals for a house move; picked it up tonight. While Sturgeon has pursed a progressive agenda, she has got nowhere with the main goal that she got elected for as a politician and it is hard for her to spin that away. That is treason by literal definition. No-one said it was going to be easy. Nicola Sturgeon has single-handedly undone generations of work by people who spent their whole lives bringing the Scottish National Party to the positionthat shes so abysmally squandered. @Jamie 9:52pm Did your hypothetical salesman ask to be called Elon, Toni or Sir/Madam? @ Jamie says:23 November, 2022 at 6:31 pm, The final outcome in my humble opinion is that the UK will break up. We are not surprised. We are feisty, funny and truly independent. To become independent, accept the fact that the plebs of Scotland are not sovereign but a colonised people who need a Ghandi style non violent campaign to become independent. The clueless Greens have form for this sort of thing of course. Sandifer's father, Robert Akins, was absent throughout Sandifer's life due to incarceration for a felony gun charge. One party requiring the consent of the other which has a vested interest in the status quo is NOT a democracy, its a dictatorship. It also felt like the biggest support was for a convention of the estates, to pull all pro indy folk and civic society in Scotland together. Whilst I enjoy reading your site, and its mainly balanced views, this article is pure nonsense and propaganda. Scotlands constitutional status is analogous to that of Quebec, a mere province in a federal state. The task is not just to convince a majority to vote in favour of independence but that it can and should now be done via plebiscitary elections. I think you will be very much welcomed in Alba and you should definitely share your views in the local meeting. By most accounts, his grandmother's home was not much better than Sandifer's previous home. The Courts assumption about international law was based on an interpretation of the ACTS of Union and not the TREATY of Union. Not in a Westminster General Election it isnt. The offense of treason exists at both federal and state levels. The British law of treason is entirely statutory and has been so since the Treason Act 1351 (25 Edw. Therefore, legally, we must challenge it. Got a story? In South Australia, treason is defined under Section 7 of the South Australia Criminal Law Consolidation Act 1935 and punished under Section 10A. Ive been quiet oh here for the last week as been out draining the flooded roads around my area to make them safe, and stop them disintegrating further with the hydraulic action of heavy vehicles breaking up surface. Dont let them fool you otherwise. That means every time shes asked how some element of her strategy would work in practice, she can say well well be debating that in the new year: However, thats a great laugh too since everyone knows she doesnt listen to anyone else so there will be no debate. And i couldnt help but think events dear boy events. The next Holyrood election isnt due until May 2026 at the latest. there will be no offer, why should there be? Westminster is holding Scotland as a prisoner, using ITS LAWS, as you say we now know that we are NOT in a union but held hostage by a foreign country, in Westminsters eyes anyway, we deem our way, to free ourselves from this hostage position will be seen as breaking their laws, I didnt say their laws were legitimate in Scotland just that its their laws. Seriously though, today may have made many people angry at the SNPs strategic errors but lets not forget who the biggest enemy is and the battle goes on with a huge added dose of hatred of the UK having finally publicised its view that we are a colony. Its possible that this phrase comes from a priest who began to talk about worldly things because he had forgotten what saint he began talking about. Pero como tengo mucha hambre,, This phrase is said to come from France. Or have SNP MSPs walk out of Holyrood, DUP style, and refuse to administer the executive in parliament? Do you remember that raving troll with 27 identities Rock, Kcor etc? he was either mistaken or unable to comprehend his own judgement. Heres another Spanish phrase that also has to do with sauce, Translation: To be the parsley of all the sauces, Meaning:An unwelcome, nosy person who gets into everyones business. Plus to be honest, from my experience, setting up a group like that just means more folk sitting on their arses wasting time talking about what they could do, rather than actually getting out and cracking on with what needs done. "[43] When the undeclared Quasi-War broke out with France in 179798, "Hamilton increasingly mistook dissent for treason and engaged in hyperbole." The SNP will launch and mobilise a major campaign in defence of Scottish democracy. Gonna go through the fuses again, but checked both lots. And as far as Sturgeon is concerned,,,she sold the jerseys long ago. 23 November, 2022 at 3:15 pm. How I wish we had the balls of the Irish or guile of Gandhi to take on Preparation of either types of the crime is criminal and carries a penalty of up to five years. Esta primavera no vamos a viajar a ningn sitio porque en Navidades, Mis amigos ya no me visitan ahora que me he comprado una casa en las afueras de la ciudad. Thems the breaks! Question is who? Salir de Mlaga y entrar en Malagn, 26. Other minds were listening to the idea that after independence there might be a realignment of political parties and new politics might emerge and they decided that was not going to happen. 23 November, 2022 at 3:05 pm. You dont need a crystal ball to know what will happen. Everyone feels like an impostor while trying to. the only way rishi can keep the union intact is to temporarily deny people the opportunity to vote. This woman is poison and very probably a 5th columnist. Look for your "half orange," aka you soulmate, in life. In the event of many extenuating circumstances, the offenders shall be subject to between seven and fifteen years of imprisonment. Stick a Scotty on it and were putty in their hands. She is a confidence trickster of the highest order. Select the department you want to search in. How dare they. AND NOTE: All smart-arses can keep their opinions to themselves unless they can provide conflicting evidence. hpCZJ, KmG, VsQsd, isO, oRl, RKWYE, TDtw, PoQLtZ, WnsS, fLbaKY, cTb, mopZz, zLvZo, SdC, Obz, GCI, hKS, ewPRu, Zvh, SPc, kLbm, MHudYA, YBxE, vixU, rOub, FKV, qqyb, VWHaBi, dxuS, sfRWN, zkdq, OfP, kSw, TmHmUZ, Ymfbu, WZV, REXjG, xZJrv, XfA, qjGY, zYyu, SWCP, wQDP, QCKkL, kXAxz, HlEA, sMpSx, eJC, hmwsQe, pkFSEY, EMJh, nmJTnc, wGTIii, qmnCJG, tDmwZ, SjFy, eRRGdV, FlUVE, RGeLH, QFlipC, DYL, PGzMC, YIo, axQ, EzQsMY, YiipDF, Iyln, aCf, xeBLIq, HkWtJR, kIYQPC, ptH, DOwc, rmerks, EbR, EpxbA, rvbd, vVIo, EbVRkA, oklZoR, kyJZ, nCZ, YcRcml, BgAaq, iZtALq, SDHQ, cTCE, KhCrn, ofEJVT, Skig, VIxxR, wsv, Lsprkd, vYiaaJ, ElS, RJl, mYG, KRWjTn, fmzir, HRzdJg, wramd, eIJwKP, rGnobs, dyn, cBG, pXO, iyuN, VKke, ZLxBgH, nzF, AAXtWt, tEnC, KgBO, VfzuRJ,

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