Of course, give credit credit where it's due - especially when others helped you achieve whatever you achieved. Be direct: Try to avoid any vocal fillers like uh or um; just say what you want to say clearly and directly. Be the first to get hottest news from our Editor-in-Chief, Check your email and confirm your subscription. You don't actually have to respond to "I bet you hear . Most people can tell if youre not genuine, so dont even bother. Depending on your specific circumstances and how you feel in the moment, there are many options when it comes to responding to compliments. The idiom, music to my ears means that youre very pleased to hear something. It gives me great joy to read such touching comments from you. But do that once youve got the above-mentioned responses in your mind. Here is how to respond to a compliment positively. Be genuine. This is a good place to start accepting and responding to compliments. If it's more specific, you can also word t. This response might have some romantic connotations to it, but it can be used in a wide range of settings, formal or informal. I just got it at Macys. You made our job relatively easy and we look forward to implementing your ideas.. Start giving compliments to random people. Thank you for the nice words. This is not a competition in parenting pain. A lot of thought went into completing the project. A reward and recognition (R&R) platform that promotes engagement with each recognition and lets employees show appreciation from anywhere can transform your workplace. A nice reply to a compliment can brighten their day and put a smile on their face. You're at the top of my wish list. Response: Thanks, it was a gift. Ill advise you to keep this one stored only for the frankest of friends and the frankest of moments. Olagoke Opeyemi Dare is a writer, digital marketer, and researcher with over 2 years of experience as a researcher. Thank you for trusting me with added responsibility. The length and wordiness of the phrase might make it sound a bit awkward, but there are particular settings where no other response can do a better job than this one. When you receive praise from a coworker, they might be acknowledging your skills, achievements, or just your personality! Showing your appreciation for their compliment can also help create a work atmosphere that might encourage your manager or colleagues to continue to affirm you for your hard work in the future. Well also explain why responding well to compliments at work is important, how to give a compliment well, and how to practice these skills. Accepting a compliment graciously is an important professional skill that you can learn and practice. Here are some ways to effectively respond to compliments in a variety of circumstances. Surely, you can only master the. Thanks, Im thrilled you like the project! You can express thanks and give credit to others involved. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[580,400],'woculus_com-banner-1','ezslot_7',125,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-woculus_com-banner-1-0'); For example, you can say something like Thank you for noticing, but it would not have been possible without the help of Peter and Sade, their input was really helpful. You should receive compliments from the bottom of your heart. Sometimes, the person giving the compliment might not realize they're being hurtful, but unfortunately, others know exactly what they're saying. The important thing here is that not everyone will immediately understand what this phrase means, especially non-native speakers. As I explained, however, sometimes responding to a compliment requires a funny response. So, start wearing your best outfits and doing the best work so can get enough compliments to try all these unique and amazing compliment responses. For instance, if someone compliments you Good job! you are better off responding with a simple Thank you! You should say It means a lot to me when it really does mean a lot to you. So instead of waiting too long *3 seconds can feel like a lifetime*, allow them to thank you for the compliment, smile . Im really enjoying the work, and Im learning too much along the way. Here are seven ways to accept a compliment with humility and grace. (With Examples). Dont deflect, brag, or diminish a compliment someone gives you. In this case, you can invite them to share more ideas with you. Compliments can come up at almost any time during a meeting, after a chance encounter in the hall, or even when working remotely! 2. You may feel compelled to say all sorts of things when someone compliments you, but sometimes the best way to acknowledge a compliment is to simply say thank you to the person who gave you the compliment. How do you respond? Think Before You Speak 3. Even if you plan to flirt back and that means looking at the man from beneath your lashes, you should still maintain eye contact while doing so. Receiving compliments is a key part of building a culture of recognition, but providing recognition in turn is just as important. ; Walk away same as above but with body language to back it up. I appreciate it.". I and some of my team have been trying to bring it up but the fear of the boss shooting it down made us keep quiet. Imagine a situation where you have been working on a particular presentation on a new product to give to your board of directors for the past couple of weeks. Thank you, but I probably could have done better. And because it integrates with the tools your organization uses on a daily basis, from Outlook to Zoom, recognition will become a seamless part of the employee experience. Thank you so much. Most compliments are about the person giving it, not the person receiving at least to some degree. Whether you enjoy praise or not, responding to a compliment correctly is a must. How to Respond to a Compliment Text If you receive a sweet compliment text, you can respond with: "Thanks - you made my day." "Well thanks - if you could see me, I'm full on blushing!" "I so appreciate you saying that - that was so sweet of you!" "Thanks so much - I really like your (insert a personality trait). My heart is filled with joy to receive your message of encouragement and love. What do you think is the most straightforward way to accept a compliment? Research shows that when you receive a compliment be sure to simply and humbly say Thank you or Thank you; I appreciate your kind words.. Business How to Respond to a Compliment at Work: Sample Responses Written by MasterClass Last updated: Feb 1, 2022 3 min read Compliments in the workplace foster a positive office environment and collaborative company culture. When we are clear with our compliments, the person understands exactly what we are expressing and why. ago. Thanks so much." Peer recognition can mean just as much or more than compliments from managers or other leaders. When you respond to a compliment with this, youre just returning one compliment with another. Forget the personal compliments about your appearance, your taste in music, and your family for the moment. 6. Of course, a suit is different. 2. Think before you speak to avoid being rude. I have been fine from the beginning of the lockdown until now. When doing so sincerely, the giver feels appreciated and acknowledged. I was excited to receive your words of encouragement and appreciation. All of this means theyre more apt to look for things you do right as opposed to things you do wrong. Response: Thank you. Maybe we can have a virtual coffee chat to catch up and celebrate. Sometimes they are genuine, and sometimes they are being flirtatious. Knowing how to respond to compliments can boost your confidence, the charm in your personality and improve relationships whether youre in a formal setting or an informal one. This is a witty response and the best way to deliver it would be to say it with a poker face. Compliments can feel amazing to receive, especially on a date. Ill be sure to pass on your praise during our next meeting. Compliment accepted is a calm and cool way to receive a compliment without expressing much about your feelings. The loving words are highly appreciated. Say "Thank You". It's a good idea to answer with a polite thank you when your boss says anything nice. Knowing how to respond to compliments can help you acknowledge the affirmation while continuing to build your professional working relationships and showing humility. You can also share that their leadership and guidance led to your achievement and say that you appreciate their efforts. 4. Smiling is a great way to immediately show your appreciation before even speaking out to respond to compliments. Be honest about that and let them know it. Thank you for the sweet compliments. Be genuinely grateful. And this is to remind you that you are my motivation. Thank you for your humbling and heartwarming words. See how easy that is. You can't keep your thoughts to yourself, can you? The Cambridge Dictionary describes a backhanded compliment as "a remark that seems to say something pleasant about a person but could also be an insult." Essentially, a backhanded compliment is. Here are some ways to effectively respond to compliments in a variety of circumstances. When you respond to compliments, don't do it competitively. The sacrifices I offered have finally worked! Practice makes perfect, and in no time, you should be great when responding to compliments. Be sincere When you receive a genuine compliment, say thank you sincerely. One way to . It's never good to downgrade someone's compliment and insinuate that they're wrong to give it. Of course, you need practice for that. B) Uh, thanks. If your intentions are not genuine then your compliment is not genuine either and this does not tell well about your personality. The rule of thumb when you receive a compliment is to simply and humbly say "Thank you" or "Thank you; I appreciate your kind words." By accepting the compliment, you show . It is a compliment that blurs the line between an insult and a compliment. It means a lot. Recognition from a peer "Thank you for the kind words. For example: *Them: "You are so strong to get through that, I truly admire you for it.". Adopt an employee recognition platform designed with a mobile-first philosophy to let employees incorporate appreciation into their everyday routines, no matter where they are or what theyre doing. The . Thanks for noticing. Your nice words encourage me to do better. Don't downplay your hard work and deprive yourself of a good compliment. I really enjoyed working with you and feel like I am growing every day. Your tone of voice should reflect gratitude, happiness,. Finally, I found someone who agrees with my mom and dad. Not to make them feel creepy, you should ideally respond with a friendly smile and only to people you have a close bond with. ; Demure and defuse polite but not encouraging. You: "Wow, thank you so much. We work hard to teach them manners. RELATED. Knowing my role models have recognized my efforts is a great honour. Thanks. My team really worked hard on this and I am glad we were able to achieve such a huge project. Make compliments simple by trying a free demo of Achievers Recognize today. Depreciatory expressions ( qin c) are usually used when responding to praise in Chinese. When do I give a compliment? How do you respond to a compliment in Cantonese? I'm glad you enjoyed it.". Thank you for the great words. But you, yours steals the show every time. Theres no reason to say any more in this situation. These may be the questions on your mind. Sample phrases to use to respond to a compliment. Wow! How to Respond to a Compliment Depending on an individual's personality and the experiences they've been through, everyone will have a unique Many people do not express gratitude to people who do nice things for them. Return the compliment. For example, if a senior member of your office walked up to you and commended you about the great job youve done in a presentation, I appreciate you noticing and taking the time out to express that would be an excellent answer to it. I'm overwhelmed by your praise. Thank you! Lets try another work compliment scenario. Plus, it will make sure that you are willing to share the credit for a job well done. Whether in a professional, academic or personal setting, responding. Appreciation at the workplace fosters a positive working environment and good company culture. 2. It means a lot to me, you express your gratitude in a meaningful way. This is also a great reply in one of the awkward situations when youre not sure if the complimenter really means what theyre saying. Youre also setting them up for a situation where they honestly dont know how to respond. You are my source of inspiration and why I have achieved so much. You are already subscribed to our newsletter! I must admit that I was not expecting to hear from you. Women get nice words from guys all the time. When someone compliments you for a project you lead, they arent complimenting only the results youve achieved, they are also complimenting your ability as a leader. This may not be easy, but if you practice it consistently, it will become natural in no time. Oh, sorry, what? As in: "Thank you for saying my son has good manners. At least, acknowledge their thoughtfulness for a start. Think before you speak to avoid being rude. Complement is a word or phrase that shows admiration or gratitude. For example, you might say something like Thanks, but not anywhere as good as yours though.. It isn't easy to achieve such perfection. In almost every situation, it would be appropriate to say you're welcome. "Nah.": Some people may say (bin1 dou6 hai6 ne1) or (m4 gam2 dong1) to brush off compliments. Here are five helpful ways to respond to backhanded compliments: 1. Maintain Direct Eye Contact. It's great to hear that. It is not every day someone says nice things to you, so when it happens, remember to thank them. 13 Great Ways to Respond to Hows your day?, 11 Great Ways to Respond to a Canceled Date, 27 Great Ways to Respond to Feedback (Positive, Negative). According to Merriam-Webster, a backhanded compliment is one that is not a compliment at all. Use data science to help you build a better company by unlocking insights into improving the performance and engagement of your people. Ecommerce I was too busy thinking about how gorgeous I am. Here is how you respond to compliments: Receive praise and appreciation wholeheartedly. Although this response is suitable when you receive a compliment from a colleague or an acquaintance, you must always express your gratitude to whoever the compliment is coming from. "Compliment accepted!" 1. And simply saying thank you is a great option. Flattery will get you somewhere, man. For culture builders, Achievers is an employee voice and recognition solution that builds engagement and sustainable performance in organizations. If you make it too vague, youre not giving the receiver any real information. Are you serious? I have to give the same presentation next week. Check your inbox to be the first to know the hottest news. I could say the same about you. Say, "Oh you're too kind!" 3. It is very thoughtful of you to acknowledge all that I have done. If you want to give a powerful complement, give the person a glimpse of what you experienced and how it impacted you or others. Do not read too much into the compliment. I am so happy for you! Truth is, most of what we accomplish is due, in part, to the assistance of others. Follow the steps listed in this article to improve your ability. Do not disregard the nice words but instead acknowledge them. When that happens, they say something self-deprecating, minimizing what they're being complimented about instead of being able to accept the compliment. What does 'I appreciate you' mean and how to respond to it? 1. Download Achievers free report on the business impact of inclusive and frequent recognition. This shows them that you saw more than just results and lets them know you admire their work whether its successful or not. But use it only with people youre really friendly with. Thank you, but that's weird, and I want to say the same to you. However, you might be confused as to what is the best way to deliver this response? However, it is important and good manners to appreciate when someone does something good for you. How do I give a compliment? Maybe you dont believe that you aced your last presentation, or that youve been providing exceptional customer service lately. It would be best if you showed your enthusiasm when responding. Thanks for that! It's essential to document the compliment so you don't forget, especially since they can be helpful when performance reviews roll around, and you'd like to negotiate a raise. We must be in a complimenting mood because you are pretty incredible too. It doesn't matter whether you're giving a compliment after they've given a speech or you're praising them for their outfit. Thank you for your encouragement and support. I appreciate it. *. Try to narrow it down to one thing or action or an outcome that youre complimenting. Respond to a compliment text with a GIF 5. However, you should ideally use it only with close friends and family. So, if you say much obliged in response to a compliment, it conveys the message that youre very grateful for it. How to Respond to a Compliment Sincerely: Look Forward By Aly Semigran, Writer and Editor I had a recent experience with this with someone saying, "You deserve a good guy." It was a friend I hadn't seen in a while and I caught them up with my most recent terrible dating experience and they told me, sincerely, "You deserve a good guy." Being obliged means to be grateful to someone. Someone compliments us, and rather than accepting the compliment or disagreeing, we simply return the compliment in kind. Overcoming the challenges of receiving and providing compliments while working remotely is more than worth it. We really love this one for those special compliments. Its the foundation on which a culture of recognition is built, and it can enhance employee performance by up to 14 percent. I couldnt have done it without them. Its never necessary to follow up with a compliment in return unless you really mean it and it feels genuine. Response: Thanks. Achievers Recognize lets your team members provide both social and monetary recognition the latter in the form of points that employees can redeem for rewards that they actually want. First, just work on saying thank you. Here are some great ways to respond to a compliment. Giving compliments is a great way to improve someone's day, make a friend, build a relationship, improve someone's confidence or just feel good about spreadi. Stay Humble 4. Allow me to express my immense gratitude for your kind words. Thank you so much! (This is a perfect response to a compliment about losing weight). After the conversation where you've received positive feedback has come to a close write it down! Would you mind emptying your pockets I believe you've stolen my heart. Respond to a compliment by saying thank you. My comb and mirror are my other two big fans. Say "I Know". Thank you. Funny responses to compliments that praise your looks: I got this from my mother. How to reply to "You're so pretty!" on Instagram? Thank you very much. When youre comfortable around people you know, then its time to branch out. Discover why organizations love Achievers. Be specific. Oh, thanks; I love you for recognizing me! The same rules for genderless compliments can also apply to a newborn. I'm feeling pretty good today.". Much obliged is one of the most formal responses to a compliment and it means the same thing as thank you.. Activate real-time employee engagement with Achievers Recognize, the platform that delivers sustainable performance and Culture Continuity. Otherwise, its just awkward. Lets say youre wearing a nice top and someone compliments you on it. It's Not a Competition 9. A compliment can be a great way to start a . Response: Thank you, they do their best. Backhanded compliments can be very damaging, They usually stem from a persons insecurities about themself. Please vote for me in the upcoming election. Ignore Them If you ignore the compliment, it does not mean that you're being a pushover. Compliment: Your children are so well behaved. And if your organization has embraced employee recognition software, then you can use it to easily pass the recognition on by showing gratitude to the team member who thanked you or another coworker. A thank you and a genuine smile are good enough. 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Peer recognition can mean just as much or more than compliments from managers or other leaders. Any time you receive a compliment, reply with "Thank you." It's a simple, but powerful phrase. It means a lot to me." Gratitude is one of the first and foremost feelings you want to convey when you receive a compliment. When you receive genuine praise, be sincere with your response. Return the Compliment. Though your compliments are a great surprise, you have made me very happy. And thats a great thing! Compliment: You knocked it out of the park on that presentation. Ive worked really hard to understand this business and to make my mark here. In this write-up, we have arranged a list of several nice replies to a comment that you can make use of and use appropriately when the occasion demands. Okay, the trick here is not to deflect, brag, or diminish the compliment. 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