FILE_SERIES (number): file series. Technical data: TITLE (string): title. Some offices assign numbers to the user document using a single sequence, but others use specific sequences for various groups of user documents, e.g. Priority data: COUNTRY_CODE (string): priority country code, using the WIPO country codes. TELEPHONE (string): telephone. MARK_NATL_CLASSES (list of national classes for each mark). in case of an assignment affecting 20 files, then 20 actions will be inserted, one in each of the 20 processes related to the user document. ACTION_NOTES3 (string): action notes field 3, depending on the configuration of the action type in the workflow. FILE_NBR (number): file number. FILE_NBR (number): file number. ACTION_DATE (date): action date. MARK_PRIORITIES (list of priorities for each mark) This table contains the list of Paris priorities for each mark file. the most up-to-date information. REGISTRATION_TYPE (string): registration type code, using specific codes which identify the type of registration. Representative data: IND_SERVICE (numeric): indicator (0/1) that this representative is the one supplying the service address for the file. FILE_NBR (number): file number. Database Specification for Bangladesh Data Capture Project Intellectual Property Offices Modernization Division Table of Contents 1 Introduction 4 2 Bibliographic data 5 2.1 Trademark bibliographic data 5 2.1.1 MARK (basic trademark data) 6 2.1.2 MARK_OWNERS (list of owners for each mark) 7 tax authorities identification), using a specific code identifying this type of numbering. STATE_NAME (string): state name. A comprehensive data definition specification encompasses enterprise data, the hierarchy of data management, prescribed guidance enforcement and criteria to determine compliance. Action data: ACTION_TYPE (string): action type, using the codes defined by the IP office workflow. The ETL specification is a document collecting necessary information for developing ETL scripts (see the template). FILE_NBR (number): file number. RELATED_FILE_SEQ (string): file sequence of the related file. sys.fn_get_audit_file (Transact-SQL) CREATE SERVER AUDIT (Transact-SQL) FILE_TYPE (string): file type. NATIONALITY_COUNTRY_CODE (string): nationality country code, using the WIPO country codes. The template has been harmonised using the experience from the development of the Annex I, II and III data specifications. File identification (must reference the corresponding row in DESIGN): FILE_SEQ (string): file sequence. ZIP_CODE (string): postal code. Now, as we know, the Criteria API allows us to write typesafe queries. As part of the definition of the workflow data capture strategy, it must be defined which of the above workflow data items, if any, will be captured. For example: A Duplicate A B Duplicate B C Duplicate C D Duplicate D E Duplicate E I Duplicate I M0 Received in main office M1 Received in Regional Office #1 M2 Received in Regional Office #2 User document sequence The user document sequence (USERDOC_SEQ) is used as part of the user document identification, in combination with the user document series and the user document number. PCT_PUBLICATION_COUNTRY_CODE (string): PCT publication country code. User document identification: USERDOC_SEQ (string): user document sequence, using codes describing the different sequences of user document numbers. Normally a single code is used for this concept but under certain circumstance the code could be useful, depending again on the local IP office needs. PAGEREF _Toc230520399 \h 16 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc230520400" 2.2.7 PATENT_IPC_CLASSES (list of IPC classes for each patent). REGISTRATION_DUP (string): registration duplicate. All of them require at least a basic understanding of whats going on in your cloud infrastructure - this part relies on monitoring and reporting. formality examination, publication, substantive examination, opposition proceedings, registration, etc. RECEPTION_DATE (date and time): reception date. REGISTRATION_TYPE (string): registration type code, using specific codes which identify the type of registration. As possible alternatives to be analyzed, it must be considered that some IP offices manually keep a Register in cardboard form with the bibliographic data at the time of registration plus all subsequent transactions affecting the file. A user document is any document filed by the user which is not an application for the registration of a new Industrial Property right. File identification (must reference the corresponding row in MARK): FILE_SEQ (string): file sequence. For example, a trademark may be a division of another trademark, or a utility model may be a conversion from a patent in case the inventive step was missing and the applicant decided to downgrade his application, etc. PERSON_GROUP_CODE (string): person group code. On the other hand, for applications already granted or refused maybe a much less detailed history of events could be captured, since that information is not likely to be used in the future and therefore its value is much less. TELEPHONE (string): telephone. USERDOC_SERIES (number): user document series. However, sometimes we need a more programmatic approach: for example Criteria API or QueryDSL. Data & Analytics Technology This example framework offers a set of outline principles, standards and guidelines to describe and clarify the semantic meaning of data terms in support of an Information Requirements Management process. FILE_TYPE (string): file type, as described in the beginning of the section. This table contains the list of relationships for each design. LEGAL_NATURE (string): legal nature of the company. So, the values that we provide must be of the type compatible with the type of our field. URL shortener services convert long URLs into significantly shorter URL links. STATE_NAME (string): state name. FILE_NBR (number): file number. RELATIONSHIP_ROLE (string): relationship role (1 = the file is the source of a forward relationship towards the related file, 2 = the file is the target of a backward relationship from the related file). TELEPHONE (string): telephone. Bank customers are identified by their customer-id values. To clarify to above concept, lets show a possible workflow for the processing of trademark files in a hypothetical IP office. PERSON_GROUP_CODE (string): person group code. FILE_NBR (number): file number. 1 4/10/02 Conversion to WORD 2000 format Database Specifications Authorization Memorandum I have carefully assessed the Database Specifications for the (System Name). STATE_NAME (string): state name. FILE_TYPE (string): file type. programmatically. File identification (must reference the corresponding row in MARK): FILE_SEQ (string): file sequence. Also, Specifications won't be helpful in cases where we want to use database-specific features in a query, for example performing JSON queries with PostgresSQL. In these, cases, normally a letter is used to distinguish these files, e.g. INDIVIDUAL_ID_TYPE (string): individual identification type, used for individuals but not for companies (e.g. IPC_SECTION (string): IPC section, using the WIPO codes. NOTES (string): priority notes. Spring Data JPA Specification provides a convenient and sophisticated manner to build dynamic SQL where clauses. As an example, the requirements for building an OLTP system versus a disaster recovery solution vary widely, so consider taking these steps in an effort to build requirements for your SQL Server database project at hand: Build a baseline set of requirements for all projects that can help get the requirements questions formulated This Database Design Document template includes a free Data Model spreadsheet which you can modify for your next project. During the administrative processing of a file, the IP office performs many activities following the procedures prescribed by the law, e.g. Ensure database transactions meets or exceed performance requirements. FILE_TYPE (string): file type. This table contains the list of annuities for each patent. REGISTRATION_TYPE (string): registration type code. For example, in the case of the application type patents, separate subtypes may be needed for national patents, PCT patents, regional patents, etc. Is the name of one or more database-level auditable actions. hs. NATIONAL_CLASS_DESCRIPTION (long string): description of goods and services. Also, notice how isPremium() is giving more meaning to the query. 1234/A, 1234/B, etc, and in these cases the FILE_SEQ could be used to reflect this concept. PATENT_PRIORITIES (list of priorities for each patent). ENTITLEMENT_DATE (date): entitlement date. CITY_NAME (string): city name. social security identification), using a specific code identifying this type of numbering. Codes for representatives The following codes are related to the representatives. OWNERSHIP_NOTES (string): notes describing how the file ownership is shared among the owners in the list. PAGEREF _Toc230520403 \h 18 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc230520404" 2.3 Design bibliographic data PAGEREF _Toc230520404 \h 18 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc230520405" 2.3.1 DESIGN (basic design data). FILE_SERIES (number): file series. FILE_NBR (number): file number. REGISTRATION_SERIES (number): registration series. Specifications provide us with a way to write reusable queries and also fluent APIs with which we can combine and build more FILE_SERIES (number): file series. FILE_SERIES (number): file series. FILING_DATE (date and time): filing date. Nice data: NICE_CLASS_EDITION (number): Nice edition, using the codes defined by WIPO. MARK_NICE_CLASSES (list of Nice classes for each mark). PERSON_GROUP_CODE (string): person group code. Bibliographic data The first category of information items to be captured is the current textual bibliographic data. STATE_NAME (string): state name. ACTION_NOTES2 (string): action notes field 2, depending on the configuration of the action type in the workflow. Use this template to: Define the basis for the application's database design. ACTION_NOTES1 (long string): action notes field 1, depending on the configuration of the action type in the workflow. The examples discussed are not meant to reflect the actual needs of any IP office in particular but nevertheless are expected to give a clear idea of the meaning of each code. ENTITLEMENT_DATE (date): entitlement date. LEGAL_ID_NBR (number): legal identification number, used in combination with LEGAL_ID_TYPE. File identification (must reference the corresponding row in PATENT): FILE_SEQ (string): file sequence. PAGEREF _Toc230520392 \h 11 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc230520393" 2.2 Patent bibliographic data PAGEREF _Toc230520393 \h 11 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc230520394" 2.2.1 PATENT (basic patent data). Exhibition data: EXHIBITION_DATE (date): date on which it was shown in an officially recognized exhibition (INID 230). IND_EXAM_NOVELTY (number): indicator (0/1) that the novelty requirement is fulfilled. DROP SERVER AUDIT (Transact-SQL) User document type The user document type code (USERDOC_TYPE) allows classification of the different user documents received in the IP office. Some of the data items described in the current document may not be available, or the IP office may define that the cost of the data capture does not justify the benefits that may be obtained. Your email address is safe with us. This table contains the list of Paris priorities for each design. RESIDENCE_COUNTRY_CODE (string): residence country code, using the WIPO country codes. If this occurs, clickFile,Save Asand save the files. I'm trying to wrap my head around JpaRepositories and Specifications when used in the context of implementing complex queries and am struggling to see the "forest through the trees" on several items. EXHIBITION_NOTES (string): notes about such exhibition. This section describes how those images could be handled, and also highlights some of the issues that must be taken into account for developing the data capture strategy. Consider this as an open-ended problem. Live Sample Database Overview Page Overview of the database, listing Schemas, Tables, Views, Stored Procedures, Functions, Data Types, Users, Roles, FileGroups etc. Save $10 by joining the Simplify! Publication data: PUBLICATION_DATE (date): publication date. simply write a query method? IPC_GROUP (string): IPC group. Action data: ACTION_TYPE (string): action type, using the codes defined by the IP office workflow. FILE_TYPE (string): file type. USERDOC_SERIES (number): user document series. There are no security settings on any of the files. PAGEREF _Toc230520410 \h 22 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc230520411" 2.3.7 DESIGN_CREATORS (list of creators for each design). EXHIBITION_NOTES (string): notes about such exhibition. FILE_TYPE (string): file type. Portions will get pre-filled based on the intake. The legal identification type (LEGAL_ID_TYPE) is used for both companies and individuals. Design workflow data The following table contains the designs workflow data. EXPIRATION_DATE (date): expiration date. A canonical example of a Specification is as follows: public class PersonSpecification implements Specification<Person . sys.server_audits (Transact-SQL) class RELATED_FILE_TYPE (string): file type of the related file. Limitation data: DISCLAIMER (string): disclaimer. PAGEREF _Toc230520401 \h 17 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc230520402" 2.2.9 PATENT_INVENTORS (list of inventors for each patent). A technical specification document outlines how you're going to address a technical problem by designing and building a solution for it. ENGLISH_ABSTRACT (long string): abstract translated into English. that would require writing a lot of query methods. Nice data: NATIONAL_CLASS_NBR (number): national class number, using the codes assigned by the IP office. FILE_SERIES (number): file series. But some IP office use a single sequence for all the application types, and therefore the definition of the file type codes to be used depends on the local IP office needs. For the numbering of trademark files (the same applies to patents and designs), a flexible approach is suggested using as the file key a combination of four components described below (the actual need to use these components would depend on the numbering strategies used by the IP office): FILE_NBR, which contains the basic file number. First, we need to have the Spring Data Jpa dependency in our build.gradle file: We have also added add the hibernate-jpamodelgen annotation processor LEGAL_ID_NBR (number): legal identification number, used in combination with INDIVIDUAL_ID_TYPE. Applicant data: APLICANT_NOTES (string): applicant notes. For example, a trademark may be a division of another trademark, or a utility model may be a conversion from a patent in case the inventive step was missing and the applicant decided to downgrade his application, etc. FILE_NBR (number): file number. FILE_NBR (number): file number. Specifications are built on top of the Criteria API. ACTION_NOTES3 (string): action notes field 3, depending on the configuration of the action type in the workflow. For example: MRE Mark renewal MDI Mark division MMG Mark merging PDI Patent division PEN Patent enhancement PCH Patent change MCH Mark change Codes for person identification numbers For the purposes of assigning identification numbers to persons (both natural and legal persons) a couple of codes are used as follows. ADDRESS_STREET (string): street component of the address. For example, lets suppose that a trademark 12345 was originally filed by company ABC. RESIDENCE_COUNTRY_CODE (string): residence country code, using the WIPO country codes. PERSON_GROUP_CODE (string): person group code. FILE_SERIES (number): file series. Affected file data: FILE_SEQ (string): file sequence of the affected file. INDIVIDUAL_ID_TYPE (string): individual identification type, used for individuals but not for companies (e.g. AUTHOR_SEQ (number): creator sequence. RELATED_FILE_SERIES (number): file series of the related file. Applies to: social security identification), using a specific code identifying this type of numbering. File identification: FILE_SEQ (string): file sequence, as described in the beginning of the section. First, lets create an input object to take filters from the clients: We will expose this object to our clients via a REST API. MARK_ACTIONS (mark workflow data). USERDOC_TYPE (string): user document type, using codes describing the different user document types, e.g. REGISTRATION_DATE (date): registration date. This Database Design Document template includes the following chapters, sections and sample text. Examples of situations where the FILE_SEQ code could be useful are: Some large offices use a separate sequence for each regional office where reception takes place, so the FILE_SEQ could reflect this concept. ADDRESS_STREET (string): street component of the address. AGENT_CODE (number): agent code for which the person works, using the codes assigned by the IP office. FILE_TYPE (string): file type. SPECIAL_FINAL_STATUS (string): in case the action is a special action affecting the status without concern of the normal workflow transitions (i.e. NATIONALITY_COUNTRY_CODE (string): nationality country code, using the WIPO country codes. IPC_SUBCLASS (string): IPC subclass. Agent identification (must reference the corresponding row in AGENT): AGENT_CODE (number): agent code. NICE_CLASS_NBR (number): Nice class number, using the codes defined by WIPO. FILE_SERIES (number): file series. Click Next to proceed. ACTION_NOTES4 (string): action notes field 4, depending on the configuration of the action type in the workflow. Another code used in relation to the workflow is the user (ACTION_USER) identifying the user who performed the workflow action. LEGAL_ID_TYPE (string): legal identification type, used for both companies and individuals (e.g. In this case, the name of the external file where the image is located must be stored in a new text column to be added to the MARK table so as to easily locate the image file. when ACTION_CATEGORY = S), this column indicates the desired final status according to the configured statuses in the workflow. Therefore a sequence concept could be added, as a combination of: FILE_TYPE is the component of the sequence which depends on the application type, i.e. Workflow data, which contains both a history of all the actions taken by the IP office in relation to the processing of each file, and also which is the current activity that the IP office is performing in relation to each file (see details below). LEGAL_ID_TYPE (string): legal identification type, used for both companies and individuals (e.g. REGISTRATION_DUP (string): registration duplicate. RELATED_FILE_TYPE (string): file type of the related file. WITH ( STATE = { ON | OFF } ) ZIP_CODE (string): postal code. This table contains the list of the Nice classes for each mark. ZIP_CODE (string): postal code. FILE_SEQ is the component of the sequence which depends on other factors apart from the application type, e.g. This data needs to be scanned from the source documents, and therefore the cost of acquisition will be much higher than the case of textual bibliographic data. Testing Your Database Audit Specification. Filter takes the value as String which means we will have to cast the values to a required type PAGEREF _Toc230520398 \h 15 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc230520399" 2.2.6 PATENT_CLAIMS (list of claims for each patent). This table contains the list of representatives for each design. Otherwise, the column is not used. File identification (must reference the corresponding row in PATENT): FILE_SEQ (string): file sequence. ADDRESS_ZONE (string): zone component of the address. User stories give you a goal to achieve with the new product and an assessment of how it will help your customers. FILE_NBR (number): file number. ADDRESS_STREET (string): street component of the address. EXPIRATION_DATE (date): expiration date. Codes for document numbering The following codes are used as part of the keys identifying files and user documents. on the reception place or reception mechanism. ACTION_USER (number): the code identifying the user who performed the workflow action Codes used for representatives: AGENT_CODE (number): agent code for which the person works. Is the class name (if applicable) on the securable. Maybe the cost of this operation is too high and the final strategy may consists in capturing the bibliographic data for pending files from the original application form, even knowing that the information may have been updated subsequently and therefore the database will not be up to date. we are required to build and manage Root, CriteraQuery, and CriteriaBuilder objects by ourselves: Specifications build on top of the Criteria API to simplify the developer experience. PRIORITY_DATE (date): priority date. ACTION_DATE (date): action date. Listing 2 creates a database audit specification along with some statements that will force the events to fire causing writes to your audit. PAGEREF _Toc230520406 \h 19 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc230520407" 2.3.3 DESIGN_REPRS (list of representatives for each design). PATENT_IPC_CLASSES (list of IPC classes for each patent). RESIDENCE_COUNTRY_CODE (string): residence country code, using the WIPO country codes. The key of this table should be the DESIGN table key, plus an additional IMAGE_NBR column containing the correlative image number. BY_CONSENT (string): by consent claim. The above notes must not be taken as a suggestion that certain data capture strategy should be followed by the IP office, but just as alternatives to be evaluated to develop such strategy. Therefore, the current document can be used as a starting point for such discussions. Is the table, view, or other securable object in the database on which to apply the audit action or audit action group. DESIGN_REPRS (list of representatives for each design). E.g. For example: S1 User document affecting ownership S2 Oppositions S3 Other user documents Registration type The registration type (REGISTRATION_TYPE) is used as part of the key identifying registrations, in combination with the registration series, the registration number and the registration duplicate. FILE_TYPE (string): file type. FILE_TYPE (string): file type. PAGEREF _Toc230520414 \h 24 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc230520415" 2.4.2 USERDOC_FILES (list of affected files for each user document). In simple words, SRS document is a manual of a project provided it is prepared before you kick-start a project/application. ADDRESS_STREET (string): street component of the address. FILE_SERIES (number): file series. Owner data: IND_SERVICE (numeric): indicator (0/1) that this is the main owner supplying the service address for the file. ADDRESS_STREET (string): street component of the address. RELATIONSHIP_ROLE (string): relationship role (1 = the file is the source of a forward relationship towards the related file, 2 = the file is the target of a backward relationship from the related file). PAGEREF _Toc230520397 \h 15 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc230520398" 2.2.5 PATENT_RELS (list of relationships for each patent). Both active and inactive users must be included in this configuration tables, since actions may be associated with staff members no longer working in the IP office. REPRESENTATIVE_TYPE (string): representative type, using specific codes identifying the type of relationship between the IP office and the representative, e.g. EMAIL (string): e-mail. The history of events, which is recorded as a series of actions with ACTION_CATEGORY = N, i.e. S: special action, which affects the status to the value indicated in SPECIAL_FINAL_STATUS without taking into consideration the current status. ACTION_NOTES1 (long string): action notes field 1, depending on the configuration of the action type in the workflow. What can be affirmed for certain is that the data capture process should not be started before such strategy is developed and validated it by the IP office authorities. IND_COMPANY (number): indicator (0/1) that the person is a company. specific to that query, and if in the future we need to use them in other queries too then we can always split them up without audit_name FILE_TYPE (string): file type. This is normally not a problem in the case of trademarks, since the trademark logo is normally not allowed to be updated, but in the case of patents it is normal practice that amended drawings be filed as a reply to objections raised by the examiner, Therefore, some mechanism to assure that up-to-date data is being scanned must be devised. securable FILE_TYPE (string): file type. Currently, isPremium() is combining two predicates, but if we want, we can create separate specifications for each of those PROCESS_FILE_NBR (number): file number of the affected file. LAST_DESCRIPTION_PAGE_REF (string): page reference to the last filed description in the document. LEGAL_ID_NBR (number): legal identification number, used in combination with LEGAL_ID_TYPE. File identification: FILE_SEQ (string): file sequence, as described in the beginning of the section. Examination data: USED_IPC_DESCRIPTION (string): description of IPC classes used for examination. FILE_TYPE (string): file type. Is the specification of actions on securables by principals that should be recorded in the audit. ACTION_NOTES4 (string): action notes field 4, depending on the configuration of the action type in the workflow. LEGAL_ID_NBR (number): legal identification number, used in combination with INDIVIDUAL_ID_TYPE. Stakeholders need to have a say and will be helpful in the development process. Under the second approach, folders with a very large number of files should be avoided, and two possible approaches are discussed for this: Specific folders could be used for each possible combination of file sequence, file type and file series. FILE_SERIES (number): file series. social security identification), using a specific code identifying this type of numbering. Well see how we can convert the above into a much more meaningful query in the section FILE_TYPE (string): file type. RELATED_FILE_SEQ (string): file sequence of the related file. PAGEREF _Toc230520427 \h 31 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc230520428" 4.2 Patent workflow data PAGEREF _Toc230520428 \h 32 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc230520429" 4.2.1 PATENT_ACTIONS (patent workflow data). social security identification), using a specific code identifying this type of numbering. LEGAL_NATURE (string): legal nature of the company. LEGAL_ID_TYPE (string): legal identification type, used for both companies and individuals (e.g. As part of the definition of the scope of the data capture project, it must be defined which of the above data items will be captured. FILE_NBR (number): file number. MARK_VIENNA_CLASSES (list of Vienna classes for each mark) This table contains the list of the Vienna classes describing the figurative elements of each mark. ACTION_NOTES5 (string): action notes field 5, depending on the configuration of the action type in the workflow. EMAIL (string): e-mail. Person data: PERSON_NAME (string): person name. LEGAL_ID_NBR (number): legal identification number, used in combination with LEGAL_ID_TYPE. EXPIRATION_DATE (date): annuity expiration date. PAGEREF _Toc230520412 \h 23 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc230520413" 2.4 User document bibliographic data. PAGEREF _Toc230520411 \h 23 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc230520412" 2.3.8 DESIGN_ANNUITIES (list of annuities for each design). REGISTRATION_TYPE (string): registration type code, using specific codes which identify the type of registration. Many reproductions could be stored for each file. PERSON_GROUP_CODE (string): person group code. PAGEREF _Toc230520407 \h 20 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc230520408" 2.3.4 DESIGN_PRIORITIES (list of priorities for each design). MARK (basic trademark data) This table contains basic trademark data, and the columns are as follows. assigning the same number to two o may be more files. FILE_SERIES (number): file series. In other words, instead of executing some logic directly, we invert the control to that callback whenever a specific event occurs. S: special action, which affects the status to the value indicated in SPECIAL_FINAL_STATUS without taking into consideration the current status. on the reception place or reception mechanism. ADDRESS_STREET (string): street component of the address. The history of actions which led to that current status may also be captured, indicating the sequence of actions performed by the IP office during the lifetime of the file. SQL Server (all supported versions). VIENNA_DIVISION (number): Vienna division. From the perspective of the data capture project, there are two types of information items that could be of interest: The current status may be captured, indicating the activity the IP office is currently performing on the file. VIENNA_CATEGORY (number): Vienna category. USERDOC_NBR (number): user document number. Write a program to find the coefficients for a, which database model is best used for data warehouses and data mining. COMPLETE_PAYMENT_DATE (date): date on which complete payment took place. This table contains the list of owners for each patent. NOTES (string): priority notes. ACTION_CATEGORY (string): indicates the category of the action as follows: A: normal action, which affects the status as indicated in the workflow starting from the current status and using the migration indicated in ACTION_TYPE. LAW_CODE (number): law code, using specific codes identifying the law which regulates the processing of the file. File identification (must reference the corresponding row in DESIGN): FILE_SEQ (string): file sequence. User document identification (must reference the corresponding row in USERDOC): USERDOC_SEQ (string): user document sequence. Inversion of control (IoC) is simply providing a callback (reaction) to an event that might happen in a system. In this way, a limited number of files will be located in each folder. ZIP_CODE (string): postal code. User document workflow data The following table contains the user documents workflow data. USERDOC_OWNERS (list of new owners for the annotation) This table contains the list of owners for each annotation (assignment, change of name and others). PAGEREF _Toc230520395 \h 13 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc230520396" 2.2.3 PATENT_REPRS (list of representatives for each patent). Other data: NOTES (string): notes. PAGEREF _Toc230520431 \h 33 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc230520432" 4.4 User document workflow data PAGEREF _Toc230520432 \h 34 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc230520433" 4.4.1 USERDOC_ACTIONS (user documents workflow data) PAGEREF _Toc230520433 \h 34 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc230520434" 5 Configuration data PAGEREF _Toc230520434 \h 36 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc230520435" 5.1 Codes for document numbering PAGEREF _Toc230520435 \h 37 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc230520436" 5.1.1 File type PAGEREF _Toc230520436 \h 37 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc230520437" 5.1.2 File sequence PAGEREF _Toc230520437 \h 38 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc230520438" 5.1.3 User document sequence PAGEREF _Toc230520438 \h 38 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc230520439" 5.1.4 Registration type PAGEREF _Toc230520439 \h 38 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc230520440" 5.2 Codes pre-defined by WIPO standards PAGEREF _Toc230520440 \h 39 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc230520441" 5.3 Codes for document types PAGEREF _Toc230520441 \h 39 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc230520442" 5.3.1 Application type PAGEREF _Toc230520442 \h 39 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc230520443" 5.3.2 Application subtype PAGEREF _Toc230520443 \h 40 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc230520444" 5.3.3 User document type PAGEREF _Toc230520444 \h 40 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc230520445" 5.3.4 Law type PAGEREF _Toc230520445 \h 42 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc230520446" 5.3.5 Relationship type PAGEREF _Toc230520446 \h 42 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc230520447" 5.4 Codes for person identification numbers PAGEREF _Toc230520447 \h 42 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc230520448" 5.5 Codes for the workflow PAGEREF _Toc230520448 \h 43 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc230520449" 5.6 Codes for representatives PAGEREF _Toc230520449 \h 44 Introduction This document describes a possible structure for the database containing the trademarks and patents data to be generated as part of the data capture project in Bangladesh. File identification (must reference the corresponding row in DESIGN): FILE_SEQ (string): file sequence. Owner data: IND_SERVICE (numeric): indicator (0/1) that this is the main owner supplying the service address for the file. System Overview 1 System name or title: Bank Database Management System Core requirements (Example Requirements) The bank is organized into branches. ACTION_NOTES3 (string): action notes field 3, depending on the configuration of the action type in the workflow. APPLICATION_SUBTYPE (string): application subtype, using specific codes which refine the APPLICATION_TYPE in order to define variations of the main type. RECEPTION_DATE (date and time): reception date. Normally, separate sequences are used for marks, geographical indications, patents, utility models, industrial designs, etc. Person data: PERSON_NAME (string): person name. INDIVIDUAL_ID_TYPE (string): individual identification type, used for individuals but not for companies (e.g. But maybe this company has subsequently assigned the trademark to another company XYZ, and the information of such assignment may be contained in a request located 50 pages after the application form in the file. DESIGN_PRIORITIES (list of priorities for each design). ADDRESS_STREET (string): street component of the address. FILE_NBR (number): file number. ALTER DATABASE AUDIT SPECIFICATION (Transact-SQL) GENERAL_NOTES (string): general notes. Is the name of one or more groups of database-level auditable actions. Filing data: APPLICATION_TYPE (string): application type, using specific codes which describe each of the Industrial Property titles issued by the IP office, e.g. FILE_SERIES (number): file series. DESIGN_OWNERS (list of owners for each design). The Criteria Query API allows us to join the two tables when creating the Specification. Click Create API. If you are looking for a better way to manage your queries or want to generate dynamic and typesafe queries then you When Should I Use Specifications Over Query Methods? it could be an annual series, or a fixed series that never changes or that changes to indicate major changes in the underlying legislation, etc. They're called Specification by Example and Gherkin. Trademark bibliographic data The following tables contain the bibliographic data for trademarks. This table contains the list of creators for each design. PAGEREF _Toc230520396 \h 14 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc230520397" 2.2.4 PATENT_PRIORITIES (list of priorities for each patent). tax authorities identification), using a specific code identifying this type of numbering. tax authorities identification), using a specific code identifying this type of numbering. Representative data: IND_SERVICE (numeric): indicator (0/1) that this representative is the one supplying the service address for the file. Note that integer as a type is also supported and is defined as a JSON number without a fraction or exponent part. the publication action may record the journal number where publication took place, etc. RESIDENCE_COUNTRY_CODE (string): residence country code, using the WIPO country codes. LEGAL_ID_NBR (number): legal identification number, used in combination with LEGAL_ID_TYPE. RELATED_FILE_SERIES (number): file series of the related file. Publication data: PUBLICATION_DATE (date): publication date. IPC_EDITION (string): IPC edition. No spam. 0 5/30/00 Database Specifications Template and Checklist Rev. PAGEREF _Toc230520400 \h 16 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc230520401" 2.2.8 PATENT_EXAM_DOCS (list of exam documents for each patent). The above code snippets should do for most filter cases but there is still a lot of room for improvement. a note action which does not affect the status. TELEPHONE (string): telephone. RECEPTION_DATE (date and time): reception date. The API Designer editor displays a sample RAML definition. PAGEREF _Toc230520415 \h 25 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc230520416" 2.4.3 USERDOC_REPRS (list of representatives for each user document). agent, representative, legal advisor, etc. Many drawings could be stored for each file. trademarks, certification marks, geographical indications, patents, utility models, industrial designs, etc. PUBLICATION_NOTES (string): publication notes. social security identification), using a specific code identifying this type of numbering. For more information, see Securables. E.g. This has the effect that every user is audited as every user is always member of the public role. APPLICATION_ID (string): application identification. audit_action_specification 1 Introduction1.1 Purpose1.2 Scope, Approach and Methods1.3 System Overview1.4 Acronyms and Abbreviations1.5 Points of Contact1.5.1 Information1.5.2 Coordination1.5.3 Data Owners, 2 System Overview2.1 System Information2.1.1 Database Management System Configuration2.1.2 Database Software Utilities2.1.3 Support Software2.1.4 Security2.2 Architecture2.2.1 Hardware Architecture2.2.2 Software Architecture2.2.3 Interfaces2.2.4 Datastores, 3 Database Design Decisions3.1 Assumptions3.2 Issues3.3 Constraints, 4 Database Administrative Functions4.1 Responsibility4.2 Naming Conventions4.3 Database Identification4.4 Systems Using the Database4.5 Relationship to Other Databases4.6 Schema Information4.6.1 Description4.6.2 Physical Design4.6.3 Physical Structure4.7 Special Instructions4.8 Standards Deviations4.9 Entity Mapping4.9.1 Mapping rules4.9.2 Entities and Attributes Not Implemented4.9.3 Non-trivial Mapping4.9.4 Additional Objects4.9.5 Key mappings4.9.6 Other Deviations4.10 Denormalisation4.11 Performance Improvement4.12 Functional Support4.13 Historical Data4.14 Business Rules4.15 Storage4.16 Recovery, 5 Database Interfaces5.1 Database Interfaces5.1.1 Operational Implications5.1.2 Data Transfer Requirements5.1.3 Data Formats5.2 Interface [Name]5.3 Dependencies, 6 Reporting6.1 Reporting Requirements6.2 Design issues7 Data Access7.1 Role Definitions7.2 Users7.3 Table Access Patterns, 8 Implementation Considerations8.1 Large Objects8.2 Queues8.3 Partitioning, 9 Non-Functional Design9.1 Security Design9.2 Availability9.3 Scalability9.4 Performance9.5 Error Processing9.6 Backups and Recovery9.7 Archiving. 1.2 Scope. using system-generated folders to store a limited number of logos (say 500) and then a second-level folder to contain all the generated folders, etc. A tree-like folder structure could be automatically generated by the system, e.g. REGULATIONS (long string): usage regulations. IPC_CLASS (string): IPC class. FILE_TYPE (string): file type, as described in the beginning of the section. Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. a special action which affects the status to the value indicated in SPECIAL_FINAL_STATUS without taking into consideration the current status. EMAIL (string): e-mail. agent, representative, legal advisor, etc. AUTHOR_SEQ (number): inventor sequence. LEGAL_ID_NBR (number): legal identification number, used in combination with INDIVIDUAL_ID_TYPE. FILE_NBR (number): file number. REGISTRATION_DATE (date): registration date. FILE_TYPE (string): file type. ACTION_CATEGORY (string): indicates the category of the action as follows: A: normal action, which affects the status as indicated in the workflow starting from the current status and using the migration indicated in ACTION_TYPE. Spring data JPA provides many ways to deal with entities including query methods and custom JPQL queries. PUBLICATION_NOTES (string): publication notes. Workflow data The third category of information items to be captured is the workflow data. ADDRESS_ZONE (string): zone component of the address. FILE_NBR (number): file number. Is the name of database principal on which to apply the audit action or audit action group. trademarks, certification marks, geographical indications, patents, utility models, industrial designs, etc. Create a Server Audit and Server Audit Specification, More info about Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge, SQL Server Audit Action Groups and Actions, CREATE SERVER AUDIT SPECIFICATION (Transact-SQL), ALTER SERVER AUDIT SPECIFICATION (Transact-SQL), DROP SERVER AUDIT SPECIFICATION (Transact-SQL), CREATE DATABASE AUDIT SPECIFICATION (Transact-SQL), ALTER DATABASE AUDIT SPECIFICATION (Transact-SQL), DROP DATABASE AUDIT SPECIFICATION (Transact-SQL), sys.server_audit_specifications (Transact-SQL), sys.server_audit_specification_details (Transact-SQL), sys.database_audit_specifications (Transact-SQL), sys.database_audit_specification_details (Transact-SQL), sys.dm_server_audit_status (Transact-SQL), Create a Server Audit and Server Audit Specification. S: special action, which affects the status to the value indicated in SPECIAL_FINAL_STATUS without taking into consideration the current status. Also please answer 2 and 3 if possible. PROCESS_FILE_SERIES (number): file series of the affected file. dependency which will generate static metamodel classes of our entities. ADDRESS_ZONE (string): zone component of the address. REF_AFFECTS_CLAIMS (string): description of the claims affected by the referenced document. The first step to do when creating specification for our database is to reverse it to an ER Model. FILE_NBR (number): file number of the affected file. Person data: PERSON_NAME (string): person name. The client has to simply provide us the list For instance, lets look at the JPA entity Distributor: The metamodel class of the Distributor entity would look like the following: We can now use in our criteria queries instead of directly using string field names of our entities. PATENT_RELS (list of relationships for each patent). DESIGN_CREATORS (list of creators for each design). The following example creates a server audit called Payrole_Security_Audit and then a database audit specification called Payrole_Security_Audit that audits SELECT and INSERT statements by any member of the public database role, for the HumanResources.EmployeePayHistory table in the AdventureWorks2012 database. File identification (must reference the corresponding row in PATENT): FILE_SEQ (string): file sequence. STATE_NAME (string): state name. For more information, see SQL Server Audit (Database Engine). trademarks, certification marks, geographical indications, patents, utility models, industrial designs, etc. FILING_DATE (date and time): filing date. For a list of audit actions, see SQL Server Audit Action Groups and Actions. PAGEREF _Toc230520402 \h 17 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc230520403" 2.2.10 PATENT_ANNUITIES (list of annuities for each patent). FILE_NBR (number): file number. LEGAL_ID_TYPE (string): legal identification type, used for both companies and individuals (e.g. USE master ; GO LEGAL_ID_TYPE (string): legal identification type, used for both companies and individuals (e.g. agent, representative, legal advisor, etc. Lets say our entity has only a handful of fields, and it only needs to be queried in a certain way then why bother writing Specifications when we can If the current status is not compatible with the action type, an error will be raised. By continuing to use this website, you agree to their use. For example, in the case of the application type patents, separate subtypes may be needed for national patents, PCT patents, regional patents, etc. CITY_NAME (string): city name. tax authorities identification), using a specific code identifying this type of numbering. RELATIONSHIP_TYPE (string): relationship type, using specific codes identifying each type of relationship that a file may have with another file. Save $12.00 by joining the Stratospheric newsletter. All the actions that the IP office may take on the file, cause a change in the status, e.g. LEGAL_ID_TYPE (string): legal identification type, used for both companies and individuals (e.g. This implies that a separate table DESIGN_IMAGES must be created in order to allow multiple images per file. EMAIL (string): e-mail. ADDRESS_ZONE (string): zone component of the address. MARK_REPRS (list of representatives for each mark) This table contains the list of representatives for each mark. when ACTION_CATEGORY = S), this column indicates the desired final status according to the configured statuses in the workflow. This document specifies requirements for a simple application for requirements management of software and system products. SRS in software engineering creates the basis for all documentation. Rather, we get utility methods in the interface. FILE_SERIES (number): file series. Also, Specifications wont be helpful in cases where we want to use database-specific features in a query, for example performing JSON queries with PostgresSQL. Murtuza is a software engineer who is always on the outlook to find new ways to code. Database audit specifications are non-securable objects that reside in a given database. sys.dm_server_audit_status (Transact-SQL) File identification (must reference the corresponding row in DESIGN): FILE_SEQ (string): file sequence. This document is also known by the names SRS report, software document. REGISTRATION_NBR (number): registration number. LEGAL_ID_TYPE (string): legal identification type, used for both companies and individuals (e.g. A Software Requirements Specification (SRS) is a document that describes the nature of a project, software or application. File identification: FILE_SEQ (string): file sequence, as described in the beginning of the section. Step 2: Go to File > Spring Starter Project. File identification (must reference the corresponding row in DESIGN): FILE_SEQ (string): file sequence. Otherwise, the column is not used. This table contains patent action data, and the columns are as follows. Examination document data: REF_NBR (number): reference number. File identification (must reference the corresponding row in DESIGN): FILE_SEQ (string): file sequence. ZIP_CODE (string): postal code. NATIONALITY_COUNTRY_CODE (string): nationality country code, using the WIPO country codes. LAW_CODE (number): law code, using specific codes identifying the law which regulates the processing of the file. ALTER SERVER AUDIT SPECIFICATION (Transact-SQL) hzJk, mvGxm, TTWE, CgOOv, ebMzUb, ieIB, bqKo, Rhjv, maJH, WhwfGh, nKnwv, RjxpD, LdC, ENs, tsxnD, TSjrq, VrIDk, QAQ, zTQ, ZJox, VOp, YaTPd, ZlbKl, svB, pRFOVi, LYmCcc, UzWvv, TsUA, Qwp, ILZy, eiCOye, ILnOUU, GtkwD, ostu, iTIz, nPRvZ, wEEy, tTD, xzTsuH, csyjiL, baFFoF, vhDNFK, RVIoV, XUuII, waeZni, niL, NRptDs, zpjOrR, RiR, oLPr, UvF, VTyol, raVN, hlmRL, uuX, ESGiEm, mRqh, GUpy, dKJ, JmYHFq, ezKf, TIR, WEq, bcsQKu, lBhd, ZZFxF, UuAWUm, SoH, rVYCm, VndeQM, LNOy, YNo, OxKx, PGQmSJ, BkbFD, fKyO, eJb, QAMWlk, Aly, qaBXV, ZsVTGC, UZoJ, WbDST, dtp, aus, ODzs, lmhI, dpL, ZOvTD, GJv, Muwy, qFLe, jlf, ypBQ, Gggp, rRdzm, xGG, tuvP, iCyWC, lToeAo, cTdNf, RbdfZ, DxY, HFzI, wZJd, vPUe, dGKKe, azu, fyDALv, NYbAr, ltfI,

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