doi: 10.1177/004005990904200104, McAloney, K., and Stagnitti, K. (2009). Res. ", "Wikiwijs: An unexpected journey and the lessons learned towards OER | Schuwer", "Curriki Appoints Kim Jones as New Executive Director to Oversee Next Phase of Growth", "The Purpose of Learning for Content outcomes and results", "Open Educational Practices and Resources: The OLCOS Roadmap 2012", "Experimenting with MOOCs: Network-based Communities of Practice. & L.L. OER Commons was spearheaded in 2007 by the Institute for the Study of Knowledge Management in Education (ISKME), a nonprofit education research institute dedicated to innovation in open education content and practices, as a way to aggregate, share, and promote open educational resources to educators, administrators, parents, and students. [47], In France, training for heritage conservation is taught by four schools: cole suprieure d'art d'Avignon[fr], L'cole suprieure des Beaux-Arts Tours, Angers, Le Mans, L'Universit Paris 1 Panthon-Sorbonne, Institut national du patrimoine.[48]. (2017). This a 2007 version of a Study Guide the UNISA Philosophy Dept has used to introduce to students since 2007. OER Commons also provides educators tools to align OER to the Common Core State Standards; to evaluate the quality of OER to OER Rubrics; and to contribute and share OERs with other teachers and learners worldwide. Q. There are many questions to be dealt with in this area; for universities, academic management and teaching staff. Zosh, J. M., Hirsh-Pasek, K., Hopkins, E. J., Jensen, H., Liu, C., Neale, D., et al. Topics addressed at the congress include stressing the importance of environmental education and its role to empower, establishing partnerships to promote environmental education, how to mainstream environmental and sustainability, and even how to make universities "greener". There are a few central qualities involved in environmental education that are useful contributions to the individual. doi: 10.1002/sce.20328. 25, 177182. Effective programs promote a holistic approach and lead by example, using sustainable practices in the school to encourage students and parents to bring environmental education into their home. The foundation also supports the creation of new openly licensed materials where they are not already available as well as through its Open Textbook Challenge. Prev. Med. This concept is based in part on the pioneering work by Garry Thomson CBE, and his book Museum Environment, first published in 1978. 117, 72100. The Open Educational Resources Programme (phases one[108] and two[109]) (United Kingdom) was funded by HEFCE, the UK Higher Education Academy and Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC), which has supported pilot projects and activities around the open release of learning resources, for free use and repurposing worldwide. doi: 10.1007/978-90-481-3840-1_1, Weisberg, D., Hirsh-Pasek, K., Golinkoff, R., Kittredge, A., and Klahr, D. (2016). One of the most frequently cited benefits of OER is their potential to reduce costs. Green schools, or green facility promotion, are another main component of environmental education policies. In this way, the framework provides a tool to bring people together around a common goal or vision, while inviting active input from those involved in the implementation. In addition, it has been argued elsewhere that reform and innovation do not travel well, whether across time periods or across contexts (Watkins and Biggs, 2001; Hargreaves, 2010). The document listed the following as priorities for the next decade: The conservation profession response to this report was on the whole less than favourable, the Institute of Conservation (ICON) published their response under the title "A Failure of Vision". Based on these objectives, the role of a renewable energy education programs should be informative, investigative, educative, and imaginative. In the classroom, Barron and Darling-Hammond (2010) point to performance tasks as key to measuring the broad range of skills gained via inquiry-based learning. Aquariums, zoos, parks, and nature centers all have ways of teaching the public about the environment. .mw-parser-output .hatnote{font-style:italic}.mw-parser-output div.hatnote{padding-left:1.6em;margin-bottom:0.5em}.mw-parser-output .hatnote i{font-style:normal}.mw-parser-output .hatnote+link+.hatnote{margin-top:-0.5em}To learn how to add open license text to Wikipedia articles, please see this how-to page. doi: 10.1080/09500693.2016.1234085, Dilkes, J., Cunningham, C., and Gray, J. Barron, B., and Darling-Hammond, L. (2010). School-based professional development in a developing context: lessons learnt from a case study in Zambia. The creation of this department moved the focus for the development of conservation theory and practice from Germany to Britain, and made the latter a prime force in this fledgling field. Marshall, C. (2017). No use, distribution or reproduction is permitted which does not comply with these terms. ", The term "open educational resources" was first adopted at UNESCO's 2002 Forum on the Impact of Open Courseware for Higher Education in Developing Countries. Available online at: (accessed July, 2021). This solution also contributes to the creation of customized textbooks where each professor could select the sections appropriate for their courses or could freely adapt existing sections to their needs. Rather than disregarding the issue of context and the impact that it may have on the implementation of learning through play, Parker and Thomsen (2019) offered a bridge to connect the school context with the concept of play-based learning. Dinham, S. (2017). Anthropologists, developmental psychologists and neuroscientists have studied and documented this phenomenon extensively (Whitebread et al., 2012). Nature studies integrated academic approach with outdoor exploration (Roth, 1978). The Commission on Education and Communication (CEC) helped support the work of the UNDESD by composing a backbone structure for education for sustainability, which contained five major components. Roskos et al. Sensory materials such as toys, utensils are tools are integral to the Montessori classroom for the purposes of preparing the child for independent living, and building fine and gross motor skills. Caring for the Past: Issues in Conservation for Archaeology and Museums. This is a primary strength of OER and, as such, can produce major cost savings. Paris: OECD. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) is taking a leading role in "making countries aware of the potential of OER. Res. Some researchers have used synonymous terms, for example active learning in order to achieve legitimacy at school (Martlew et al., 2011; Smith, 2015). 19, 231245. Alfieri, L., Brooks, P. J., Aldrich, N. J., and Tenenbaum, H. R. (2011). 23, 274289. [24] The WikiEducator project suggests that OER refers "to educational resources (lesson plans, quizzes, syllabi, instructional modules, simulations, etc.) A museum should carefully monitor the condition of collections to determine when an artifact requires conservation work and the services of a qualified conservator. Achieving inclusion through CLAD: collaborative Learning Assessment through Dialogue. The second major impediment to implementing learning though play is the perception that it is a pedagogy native to preschool and incongruous to primary school learning. One of the guiding principles of conservation of cultural heritage has traditionally been the idea of reversibility, that all interventions with the object should be fully reversible and that the object should be able to be returned to the state in which it was prior to the conservator's intervention. [126] The incentive was an amendment imposing the counties to provide free educational material, in print as well as digital, including digital hardware.[127]. [104], Other initiatives derived from MIT OpenCourseWare are China Open Resources for Education and OpenCourseWare in Japan. The long-standing cooperation between UNESCO and UNEP on environmental education (and later ESD[a]) also led to the co-organization of four major international conferences on environmental education since 1977: the First Intergovernmental Conference on Environmental Education in Tbilisi, Georgia (October 1977); the Conference International Strategy for Action in the Field of Environmental Education and Training for the 1990s in Moscow, Russian Federation (August 1987); the third International Conference Environment and Society: Education and Public Awareness for Sustainability at Thessaloniki, Greece (December 1997); and the Fourth International Conference on Environmental Education towards a Sustainable Future in Ahmedabad, India (November 2007). The funds that are available for both parts are block granted to the states using the Title I formula. [10][102] Support provided may include financial stipends, course release, instructional design assistance, research expertise and recognition in retention, promotion and tenure.[103]. The Conference laid out the role, objectives, and characteristics of environmental education, and provided several goals and principles for environmental education. The impact of a thinking skills intervention on childrens concepts of intelligence. J. Further to this the ICON website summary report[45] lists the following specific recommendations: In November 2008, the UK-based think tank Demos published an influential pamphlet entitled It's a material world: caring for the public realm,[46] in which they argue for integrating the public directly into efforts to conserve material culture, particularly that which is in the public, their argument, as stated on page 16, demonstrates their belief that society can benefit from conservation as a paradigm as well as a profession: conservators provide a paradigm not just for fixing things when they are broken, but for a wider social ethos of care, where we individually and collectively take responsibility and action. 39, 247261. [21][22], The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) defines OER as: "digitised materials offered freely and openly for educators, students, and self-learners to use and reuse for teaching, learning, and research. Several decades later, Louis Agassiz, a Swiss-born naturalist, echoed Rousseau's philosophy as he encouraged students to Study nature, not books.[15] These two influential scholars helped lay the foundation for a concrete environmental education program, known as nature study, which took place in the late 19th and early 20th century. van der Heijden, H. R. M. A., Beijaard, D., Geldens, J. J. M., and Popeijus, H. L. (2018). Conservation and restoration of cultural property, Interventive conservation and restoration, Example of an archaeological discovery and restoration of a mural painting, Example of the restoration of an oil painting, Associations and professional organizations, International cultural property documents, Pye, E, 2001. EE policies assist schools and organizations in developing and improving environmental education programs that provide citizens with an in-depth understanding of the environment. Di Mauro, M. F., and Furman, M. (2016). Gronlund, G. (2010). Washington: NAEYC. Climate change education: Knowing, doing and being. Preparing smaller amounts of material (e.g. These policies specifically focus on bringing freshly prepared food, made from high-quality, locally grown ingredients into schools. The Belgrade Charter, Adopted by the UNESCO-UNEP International Environmental Workshop, October 1322, 1975. [153], The OER movement has been accused of insularity and failure to connect globally: "OERs will not be able to help countries reach their educational goals unless awareness of their power and potential can rapidly be expanded beyond the communities of interest that they have already attracted. The overall objectives of REE pertain to giving a working knowledge and understanding of concepts, facts, principles and technologies for gathering the renewable sources of energy. Student experiences are self-driven with the confidence to try out new projects and apply their knowledge and skills to new situations. The resulting Paris OER Declaration (2012) reaffirmed the shared commitment of international organizations, governments, and institutions to promoting the open licensing and free sharing of publicly funded content, the development of national policies and strategies on OER, capacity-building, and open research. Blicher, H., Essmiller, K., Reed, M., & Santiago, A. The program gives a well-rounded education as well as access to student health and safety programs. Lieberman, G.A. museums, art galleries, archives, libraries, research centres and historic sites) as well as to businesses and private studios.[32]. A framework based on constructivist learning theories is useful as it acknowledges the reality of classroom teaching practicethat these pedagogies, while conceptualized in isolation, are often referred to interchangeably (Friesen and Scott, 2013), as overlapping (Barron and Darling-Hammond, 2010), or applied in combination to meet all learners needs (Goldstein, 2016). Henceforth, we define learning through play as when: 1. Open educational resources include full courses, course materials, modules, textbooks, streaming videos, tests, software, and any other tools, materials, or techniques used to support access to knowledge. Milstein, T. & Castro-Sotomayor, J. This is a much needed and often missing piece of the quality teaching and learning puzzle, particularly in primary and secondary school (Hattie, 2009). Coll. In recent years ethical concerns have been at the forefront of developments in conservation. [100] In 2012 the Paris OER Declaration[101] was approved during the 2012 OER World Congress held at UNESCO's headquarters in Paris. Educ. [8] Until the early 20th century, artists were normally the ones called upon to repair damaged artworks. Addressing the Technical Challenges of Open Educational Resources. Vincent-Lancrin, S., Jacotin, G., Urgel, J., Kar, S., and Gonzlez-Sancho, C. (2017). *Correspondence: Rachel Parker,, These authors have contributed equally to this work and share first authorship, Learning Through Play and Global Education Policy and Practice, An Expanded Definition of Learning Through Play, Conclusions From Learning Through Play at School, A Framework for Learning Through Play at School,, Foundation for Young Australians [FYA], 2017, Department of Education and Training, 2016, National Association for the Education of Young Children [NAEYC], 2020,,,,,,, Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY). He encouraged technical investigation, and was Chairman of the Advisory Committee for the first technical journal, Technical Studies in the Field of the Fine Arts, published by the Fogg from 1932 to 1942. Policy makers, researchers and educators have promoted the notion that learning though play is developmentally appropriateas it leverages school-age childrens innate curiosity while easing the often difficult transition from preschool to school. They identify four key challenges that underpin the considerable gap between education policy and practice, and propose a useful framework that addresses these challenges via a common language and structure to implement learning through play. We apologize for any inconvenience and are here to help you find similar resources. Further, in a misguided effort to increase school readiness, some education systems are introducing basic reading and mathematics skills earlier in preschool at the expense of whole-child development through playful pedagogies (Miller and Almon, 2009; Allee-Herndon and Roberts, 2020). [6], Open educational resources (OER) are part of a "range of processes"[7] employed by researchers and educators to broaden access to scholarly and creative conversations. Additionally, the dominant narrative that all environmental educators have an agenda can present difficulties in expanding reach. OER policies (also sometimes known as laws, regulations, strategies, guidelines, principles or tenets) are adopted by governments, institutions or organisations in support of the creation and use of open content, specifically open educational resources, and related open educational practices. Training in conservation of cultural heritage for many years took the form of an apprenticeship, whereby an apprentice slowly developed the necessary skills to undertake their job. [23] (This is the definition cited by Wikipedia's sister project, Wikiversity.) One of the sub-projects of Research on OER for development project aimed to work with teachers from government schools in Karnataka, to collaboratively create OER, including in the Kannada language spoken in the state. This provides students with the guidance and scaffolding needed to support learning, while also supporting student agency and autonomy in their learning (Weisberg et al., 2016). The Importance of Play. doi: 10.1080/13603110601121453. The OER World Map invites people to enter a personal profile as well to add their organization, OER project or service to the database. Strengthens physical activity and diet quality. About six-in-ten parents of K-12 children (61%) say the first year of the pandemic had a negative effect on their childrens education. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015, provides a shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet, now and into the future.At its heart are the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which are an urgent call for action by all countries - developed and developing - in a global partnership. Outcomes: the impact of OER adoption/use on student learning doi: 10.1007/978-90-481-2660-6_6, Harwood, D., Klopper, A., Osanyin, A., and Vanderlee, M.-L. (2013). Santiago, A., & Ray, L. (2020). As discussed above, learning via playful pedagogies is understood in the broadest sense to refer to educating the whole child; fostering a range of skills and understandings. The modules are available in three different languages English, French, and Portuguese making the AVU the leading African institution in providing and using open education resources[123], In August 2013, Tidewater Community College become the first college in the U.S. to create an Associate of Science degree based entirely on openly licensed content the "Z-Degree". It seeks to understand in what ways, and under what circumstances can the adoption of OER address the increasing demand for accessible, relevant, high-quality and affordable post-secondary education in the Global South. J. Figure 1. While noting that they are often used in combination (Cattaneo, 2017), for example experiential problem-based collaborative learning, presenting playful pedagogies distinctly allowed the reader to identify the similarities across approaches, including those related to facilitation. Educ. Each of the characteristics of play, and the focus on holistic skills development, were explicit in a range of impact studies of active learning, collaborative and cooperative learning, experiential learning, guided discovery learning, inquiry-based learning, problem-based learning, project-based learning, and Montessori education. doi: 10.1787/9789264276253-en. The growing movement of OER has also fostered research activities on OER across the world, becoming "a mission-driven trend within the scientific literature". [117], In 201112, academicians from the University of Mumbai, India, created an OER Portal with free resources on Micro Economics, Macro Economics, and Soft Skills available for global learners. [106] The OER4Schools project focusses on the use of Open Educational Resources in teacher education in sub-Saharan Africa. After co-creating with his students, in 1967, the German Student Party, Beuys was dismissed from his teaching post in 1972 at the Staatliche Kunstakademie Dsseldorf. However, there is a dearth of evidence and practical guidance on how learning through play can be employed effectively in the formal school context, and the conditions that support success. Quality/reliability concerns some online material can be edited by anyone at anytime, which may result in irrelevant or inaccurate information. Implementing playful pedagogies requires schools and systems to consider how the student will experience learning as playful. The network has members from all Nordic countries and facilitates discourse and dialogue on open education but also participates in projects and development programs. Museums will fulfil their potential as learning resources (pp 710). Temperature and humidity can be controlled through passive means (e.g. This approach known as using the environment as an integrating context for learning uses the local environment as a framework for teaching state and district education standards. 93, 798826. SkillsCommons was developed in 2012 under the California State University Chancellor's Office and funded through the $2 billion U.S. Department of Labor's TAACCCT initiative. Skills Creat. Internationally, environmental education gained recognition when the UN Conference on the Human Environment held in Stockholm, Sweden, in 1972, declared environmental education must be used as a tool to address global environmental problems. Accordingly, Parker and Thomsen (2019) used the term playful integrated pedagogies to collectively describe these approaches. Playing around in school: Implications for Learning and Education Policy, in The Oxford Handbook of the Development of Play, eds P. Nathan and A. D. Pelligrini (Oxford: Oxford University Press), doi: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780195393002.001.0001, Fitch, E. F., and Hulgin, K. M. (2008). Department of Education and Training (2016). To realize the full potential of OER for students' learning it is not enough to make patchwork use of OER resources have to be put into context. Educ. These divisions do children no favors as they prevent implementation of a cohesive and consistent educational offering for those aged zero to eight and beyond. This has been an area of particular debate for cultural heritage organisations who lend and borrow cultural items to each other - often, the lender will specify strict environmental conditions as part of the loan agreement, which may be very expensive for the borrowing organisation to achieve, or impossible. Hoody. Pract. Following the 1970s, non-governmental organizations that focused on environmental education continued to form and grow, the number of teachers implementing environmental education in their classrooms increased, and the movement gained stronger political backing. "Becoming animate in education: immanent materiality and outdoor learning for sustainability" (PDF). Stability and longevity are two important factors conservators consider when selecting materials; sustainability is becoming an increasingly important third. Play in the primary school classroom? It offers four educational programmes: the IB Diploma Programme and the IB Career-related Programme for students aged 15 to 19, the IB Middle Years Programme for students Evidence-informed collaborative inquiry for improving teaching and learning. | US EPA", Canadian Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education, Lincoln, NE, Professional Educators Publications, "Green Failure: What's Wrong With Environmental Education? The play/learning dichotomy trivializes play as an activity for recess only, or a reward for when the real work of learning is done (Whitebread et al., 2012). NOVA Online (formerly known as the Extended Learning Institute or ELI) is the centralized online learning hub for NOVA, and it was through ELI that NOVA launched their OER-Based General Education Project. With the idea that many college level courses rely on more than a single textbook to deliver information to students, the OACR is inspired by library courses reserves in that it supplies entire reading lists for typical courses. "[26] Another important principle of conservation is that all alterations should be well documented and should be clearly distinguishable from the original object.[17]. [16] Comstock and the other leaders of the movement, such as Liberty Hyde Bailey, helped Nature Study garner tremendous amounts of support from community leaders, teachers, and scientists to change the science curriculum for children across the United States. Penn interactive peer play scale: A parent and teacher rating system for young children, in Play Diagnosis and Assessment, 2nd Edn, eds K. Gitlin-Weiner, A. Sandgrund, and C. Schaefer (Hoboken: John Wiley), 599620. L'acception des cookies permettra la lecture et l'analyse des informations ainsi que le bon fonctionnement des technologies associes. | Within this process, environmental curricula have progressively been integrated into governmental education standards. Front. Ralisation Bexter. The earlier one is "Scientific Examination of Art: Modern Techniques on Conservation and Analysis" and was published by the National Academy of Sciences in 2003. While OER must be hosted and disseminated, and some require funding, OER development can take different routes, such as creation, adoption, adaptation and curation. 42, 99107. Foundation Paper: Age appropriate pedagogies for the early years of schooling. Lett. It is an essential responsibility of members of the museum profession to create and maintain a protective environment for the collections in their care, whether in store, on display, or in transit. [114], Peer production has also been utilized in producing collaborative open education resources (OERs). During this same period from 2013 to 2014, Northern Virginia Community College (NOVA) also created two zero-cost OER degree pathways: one an associate degree in General Studies, the other an associate degree in Social Science. In 1976, UNESCO launched an environmental education newsletter Connect as the official organ of the UNESCO-UNEP International Environmental Education Programme (IEEP). First archaeological search in the 19th-century layer by French archaeologist and restorer, Painting of the 15th century cleared before restoration. Infos Utiles "[39], Italy announced in 2019 that environmental education (including topics of sustainability and climate change) will be integrated into other subject matter and will be a mandatory part of the curriculum in public schools. Navigating support models for OER publishing: case studies from the University of Houston and the University of Washington. For school communities to support playful pedagogies they must understand what is meant by play and learning, the roles and responsibilities of child and teacher, and the benefits for learning. Sci. Teach. Educ. | Eur. Museums' international roles will be strengthened to improve museum programmes in this country and Britain's image, reputation and relationships abroad. He worked with George L. Stout, the founder and first editor of Technical Studies. Develop skills and a commitment to act independently and collectively to sustain and enhance the environment; and. NPJ Sci. Rev. Key guiding questions about play and learning outcomes include: - How are teachers supported to connect related skills and concepts within the curriculum? Denmark: LEGO Foundation. As well as standards of practice conservators deal with wider ethical concerns, such as the debates as to whether all art is worth preserving. 54, Elsevier Inc, 2022, Paris: OECD. Res. [30], Since OER are intended to be available for a variety of educational purposes, some organizations using OER neither award degrees nor provide academic or administrative support to students seeking college credits towards a diploma from a degree granting accredited institution. These key success factors informed the framework components and guiding questions below. Developmentally Appropriate Play: Guiding Young Children to a Higher Level. This involves upholding professional standards, promoting research and publications, providing educational opportunities, and fostering the exchange of knowledge among cultural conservators, allied professionals, and the public. [135], Several universities of higher education, initiated OER: notable OER sites are Open Michigan, BCcampus Open Textbook collection, RMIT, Open access at Oxford University Press,[136] Maryland Open Source Textbook (M.O.S.T. ", "241 OER Courses with Assessments in Moodle: How has created one of the largest Free and Open Course Initiatives on the web", "Saylor Foundation to Launch Multi-Million Dollar Open Textbook Challenge! [162][163] A second example of essentially contested ideas in OER can be found in the usage of different OER logos which can be interpreted as indicating more or less allegiance to the notion of OER as a global movement. Most significantly has been the idea of preventive conservation. School related EE policies focus on three main components: curricula, green facilities, and training. Understanding teaching practice across the early years is integral to advancing these goals. doi: 10.1111/j.1440-1630.2008.00761.x, McBride, A. M., Chung, S., and Robertson, A. [81] The Open University in UK has run another program aimed at supporting doctoral students researching OER from any country in the world through their GO-GN network (Global OER Graduate Network). (2011). The sector will develop new collaborative approaches to sharing and developing collections and related expertise. 2:11. doi: 10.1038/s41539-017-0012-7, Martlew, J., Stephen, C., and Ellis, J. Fostering first graders reasoning strategies with basic sums: the value of guided instruction. This article focuses on the pedagogy learning through play, also referred to as play-based learning (Barblett, 2010), playful learning (Fisher et al., 2010), and purposeful play (Allee-Herndon and Roberts, 2020). 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