Since you plan to brew a lager style beer at a lager temperature of 12\xb0C, 11gms of dry yeast will not be enough. If you are not using a kit tin as the base, double up on the W-34/70 packet yeast. Thanks for the tips, yeah I got zero sulfur from 34/70. My apologies for missing this the first time around. Use a hydrometer when you think the fermentation is finished. 80 to 120 g/hl at ideally 12C - 18C (53.6-64.4F). SafLager W - 34/70 allows the brewing of beers with a good balance of floral and fruity aromas and gives clean flavors and high drinkable beers. MoreBeer! The first and last time I did a lager I only used one pack and it was fine - but it may have been 15g, I can't remember. % Dry Weight 94.0 - 96.5 Usage Rate 80 to 120 g/hl for pitching at 53-59F. If you continue to use, we'll assume you're cool with this. Leave to rest . I would personally guess that the lag for 34/70 in my case was entirely temperature dependent. Their reasoning is this prevents rapid yeast growth which is responsible for unwanted flavours. My favorite lager strain is whatever I can get off a tank from a local brewery. Now that you have a brew fridge & are going to brew various styles of beer, I suggest you run your Original Gravity, brew style, & yeast type through THIS CALCULATOR before you mix it up in your FV. I dissolved four packets of 34/70 yeast in a single volume of lukewarm water before splitting the slurry evenly between the three fermentors. W-34/70. Also /u/CisarBJJ, b/m (bubbles/minute) is no way to measure beer. Having said that, I don't have a temp controlled fridge at the moment, so I tend to brew with the seasons. If you are not using a kit tin as the base, double up on the W-34/70 packet yeast. Flocculation : High. I actually never really use caramel malts in my lagers; I only did this time because of my commitment to the recipe analysis. Cheers. Id used WLP833 German Bock Lager yeast a few times prior to this xBmt and always perceiveda distinct yet subtle sulfur note in the finished beers. A starter wasn't necessary since I was using Fermentis' Saflager W-34/70, widely known as the Weihenstephaner strain ( WLP830 German Lager, WY2124 Bohemian Lager ). Apanel of 27 people participated in this xBmt. I used 833 for a Pilsner and schwarzbier. Pitching the yeast into wort usually happens at the low end of the temperature range. More O2 regulator is just a welding regulator so I just set to the slowest trickle of bubbles and ran it for 3 minutes. Saflager W-34/70 is a famous yeast strain from Weihenspephan, Germany, and is used worldwide within the brewing community to brew exceptional lagers. -pitch the yeast into flask, then place on stir-plate until the main batch is fully chilled. Fermentis Saflager W-34/70 Yeast. An additional way to compare is to blend the two beers post kegging to see if you like a blend rather than one or the other. Fermentis suggests 14-22 grams for 5 gallons at 53-59F pitching temperature, and increases that to up to 54 grams when pitching at 48F. How far down must i go before Press J to jump to the feed. A question I asked earlier in the week about mixing kit yeasts and specialty yeasts, seemed to be answered by most that it was not a good idea to do. 54-59 F (12-15 C) Comparable Beer Yeasts. Lager yeasts thrive in cooler fermentation temperatures. I recently brewed a bigger beer and used 1 packet of US-05 and half of a kit yeast that I had in the fridge. As I have mentioned in another thread, my current brew is chugging along nicely due in part to this technique. It was a home brewer in Michigan who stored the cultures in a -80 F fridge. Great Fermentations Awesome! -place wort/flask in an ice bath for 15 minutes to get it down to a reasonable pitch temp I just looked at some reviews, and it seems to say that it is maltier than w-34/70. Pilsen MikkellerSafLager W-34/70 ( -34/70) Weihenstephan . Sprinkle the yeast in a minimum of 10 times its weight of sterile water or wort (we suggest 4 oz) at 70F to 77F (21 to 25 C). Love the articles. Based on the results of previous xBmts Im skeptical this would make a ton of difference. If you enjoy this stuff and feel compelled to support, please check out theSupport Uspagefor details on how you can very easily do so. It does have acetaldehyde and a very grainy aroma at day 4, but im not worried. Increase dosage for pitching below 53F, up to 200 to 300 g/hl at 48F Fermentation Temperature 48.2-71.6F, ideally 53.6-59F Flocculation High The rest was used as yeast nutrient. Try SafLager W-34/70 German Lager Dry Yeast, a strain used forcraft lagers. I love the 34/70 Weihenstephan yeast for my lagers and this time of the year the temperature is low enough to allow it to work great for me. the question remains good idea/bad idea. I read an article in issue 20 of Homebrewer where a couple of US Brewers offered their thoughts on pitching temperatures. It can tolerate warmer fermentations (up to 72, F) without producing noticeable off-flavors. We include this yeast packet in our5 GallonLight CraftLager Beer Recipe Kit. Their dry yeasts are amazing. Articles such as this (especially 27 member blind tasting!) Definitely a more delicate beer than the 833. The Vienna I referred to in the article with 34/70 was fermented at 64F, it was dare I say, cleaner or at least as clean as the mrzen at 50F, I think one of the advantages of fermenting it warmer is that it cleans up so thoroughly and so quickly and blows off more of that nasty sulfur character (that makes me not like lagers!). How To Use SafLager W3470Yeast When Brewing 5 Gallons Of Beer: Copyright 2022 Craft A Brew. "" 23% 2023 !! Never had any problems or adverse affects. 2. Comparing the beers side-by-side, Iperceivedthe one fermented with W-34/70 to have a slightly higher level of malty sweetness, similar to the Vienna Lager fermented with W-34/70 I happened to have on tap at the same time. It may be a sin of some kind, but I pitch at ~70* and put the fermenter into 58* for 2 weeks signs of fermentation evident ~12 hours. Saflager 34/70 lager yeast at ale temperatures follow up AND follow up on gelatin to clarify 1,873 views Jun 3, 2020 I had a lot of comments and interest in my video on using Saflager. The ease of using dry yeasts is something I really love, particularly when it comes to making lager, which traditionally requires large starters that need to be decanted when using liquid strains. Free Shipping On Orders Over $75 Williams Brewing I then cold crashed and fined the beers with gelatin before kegging them a couple days later. This doesn't happen instantly due to the volume that needs to be lowered. This difference became less stark over time and they looked about the same a few days later. This xBmt compared basically 830 to the 833 you referenced. It can tolerate warmer fermentations (up to 72F) without producing noticeable off-flavors. im sure it will clean up nicely over the next week or so. It turned out fine and didn't really notice a difference. My fermentation chamber is an old upright freezer that can hold up to 4 carboys so I usually do all my lagers at one time to share the same fermentation schedule at 50F. Yeast Features: Ideal Fermentation Temperature: 52-58F : NO Optimum fermentation temperature: 48F-59F However, a lot of people say the yeast will be better off if you choose to repitch them again if you oxygenate them the first time around. I second the vote for S-23. Four days after pitching the yeast, I observed the W-34/70 batch to be noticeably darker in color than the WLP833 beer. Do you think it was necessary to oxygenate the wort with the 34/70? Initially, I was prettyshocked tasters werent able to reliably tell these beers apart, as my first impression was that they were fairly different. If you are using a kit tin as your base for this brew, chuck in the kit yeast as well as the W-34/70 packet yeast. Here are my tasting notes from my starter of Fermentis Saflager 34/70.Experimental Brewing Link: i dont cold crash and i bottle exclusively so this was a major bummer. Looking for extra yeast for homebrewing beer? Cheers>[biggrin']. ?????? In fact, I have been using it for all my ales too. But you will need to work out how to get your wort at pitching temp. If youve used WLP833 German Bock Lager yeastand/or Saflager W-34/70, or if you have thoughts on this xBmt, please share in the comments section below! I have a lot of experience with Dark German lagers and have done many side by side yeast experiments like this with Munich Dunkels and Marzens. Brewers Hardware 34/70 is an amazing yeast that I use for all my lagers. Pitching at the target temperature gives a "cleaner beer profile", ensuring the resultant beer flavours are congruent with the yeast strain. If you are pitching it warm, as you indicated, then 1 packet should probably be enough. Based on this Bill I would say pitching at 16'C and then dropping to 10'C in a temperature controlled fridge would give a better result than pitching at 20+'C and reducing after a set time. My understanding is that W-34/70 is a bock yeast, and if you are looking for a crisp clean fermenting lager yeast S-23 is the way to go. cold or no rehydration conditions, without affecting their viability, kinetic and/or analytical profile. I collected my ingredients and water the night prior to brew day then woke up the next morning, heated my strike water, and mashed into come close enough to my target mash temperature for this batch. The Andechs yeast is lighter, shows a bit more fruity note on the nose and finishes balanced. SafLager W-34/70 This famous yeast strain from Weihenstephan in Germany is used world-wide within the brewing industry. Im a little late to this post, but we have completely switched to Fermentis from White Labs and havent looked back. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. The Maibock and the Dopplebock are my favorites, and Ive brewed them multiple times. This brew day began the afternoon prior to brewing when I began water collection using HbrewO's BrewRO system for the first time, it runs at just about 3 gallons per hour. 1 hr. It is also interesting to see what wins awards and what does not as this may be different than your personal preferences. Maybe its just the hot weather currently but it just didnt quite get that thirst quenching character I want in a lager, hence my continuing to search for a house strain. Species : Lager. Ive never had a problem with the lag time in the dry yeast. Any tips on where you procured the ayinger yeast? Though,this strain does perform best. There is nothing stopping you from doing it, you will just get a blend of the two yeasts. thanks for your gift to the brewers around the world <3 It allows it to produce the cells for the fermentation at the higher temp as Lusty said. Thank you. The company says no need to oxygenate and I agree. I find that 34/70 doesnt produce much sulfur, so it was interesting to hear you mention that this is how you picked out the 833 beer in comparison. I allowed that to maintain for 15-18hrs outside the brew fridge, then I placed the FV in the brew fridge & had the temp controller reduce the FV temp to 18\xb0C. If you let it go too long, you can always tear open a couple more fresh packs and make another lager! Thisactive dry yeast does not require hydration or a yeast starter to begin fermentation. Mosaic Of Change IPA by House Of Pendragon, exBEERiment | The Impact Of Age On Hops: Simcoe. Thanks for sharing! That by no means proves O2 does nothing for dry yeast, just that Ive never noticed a negative impact. Though, this strain does perform best in a fermentation temperature range of 58 - 64 F. +1. Using my preferred yeast pitch rate calculator, I determined the size of the starter I would need for the WLP833 and threw it together a couple nights before brewing. Thanks! Interesting thanks for the tips, I could be wrong but I was under the impression 34/70 was the Weihenstephan strain (WLP830/WY2206). 1. The same neutral beer in less time in the fermentation tank. I only made a couple per year due to fussing with getting enough yeast built up. It finishes with clean flavors for incredibly drinkable beers. Only asking because we always hear that 60 minute additions lose all flavor and only bitter. Lager yeasts thrive in cooler fermentation temperatures. Amazon This yeast remains very robust and stable over many different conditions. Seems to be a fairly forgiving yeast, temperature-wise, and makes a really clean beer even without traditional lagering. This famous yeast strain from Weihenstephan in Germany is used worldwide and has become the most popular strain for lager brewing. My first time with US-05 had a lag of only 6h or so; I did sort of a vitality starter thing with it, stealing wort from the first 5 minutes of the boil, cooling, and adding it to the rehydrated yeast. I just did an experiment after the exBeeriment on fermentation temp. BYOs Mr. Wizard had a good response suggesting going as high 9 minutes. This strain produces beers with a balance of floral and fruity aromas. Z zwiller Even though it may not be best practice, I usually pitch it at 16C then put it straight in a fridge set at 10C. Yes it will. Fermentis all the way! My neighbor steals over my house every couple of days to grab the 833. My Impressions:A dayafterkegging and burst carbonating, I performed my first semi-blind triangle testand was able to pickout the WLP833 beer on aroma alone, noting a light, but distinct sulfur note that Ive always experienced with this strain. Were you looking for two different bittering characteristics or do you feel it would add a different flavor? For Dunkels I have settled on Bohemian Lager 2124, for Bocks and Marzens I now always use the Bavarian Lager 2206 which is the WLP 820 Oktoberfest Blend. With the grain bill and hop schedule set, I was left to decide which yeast to use, an ingredient that seems to me anoften overlooked componentof lager recipe formulation. Sign up to be notified when we publish new content! Here is a review of Saflager W-34/70, a very popular (worldwide) German lager yeast strain. Have you compared W-34/70 with any liquid yeasts? -start the boil At 36 hours post-pitch, I noticed the WLP833 beer had already developed a krusen, confirming the experiences of others who have noted longer lag times when using dry yeast. Youd have a lot of time to do it because it takes a while to chill down the beer to pitch temp. I also brew a fair amount of Traditional German Bocks. Depending on the conditions may present slight fruity and floral notes.Type of beers: PilsenSedimentation: fastFinal Gravity: medium to lowTemperature Range:12-15C Dosage: 11.5g in 20L. Homebrew kit in Thailand. It can tolerate warmer fermentations (up to 72 F) without producing noticeable off-flavors. It really makes it come across dry and crisp, though yeast can have a big impact on that too, as you say. . It matches my experience when comparing 34/70 to other lager yeast. OYL-107, WLP820, WLP830, WY2633, WY2206, W-34/70, S-23: Vermont Ale (WLP4000) The Yeast Bay: OYL-052, GY054, WLP095, A04, ECY29, RVA-104, ES-VT, LB-NE: Sigmund . This is a good thing. Id recommend saving the yeast and repitching if you are comfortable. After another week, multiple hyrdometer measurements indicated both beers had stabilized at the same finishing gravity. fermentis website says both yeast are highly flocculant which is strange.. No experience with the 833, but Ive used W34/70 quite a bit. Brewing 10 gal batches is also not easy for some especially if you have a 10 gal cooler mash tun like I do but I usually do a partial mash using LME at a higher target gravity and then add 2 gal of water to each fermenter to get the 5 gal volume in each. What was the flocculation difference? Itd also be interesting to see how well you perform on various triangle tests, as in my, as well the other contributors, experience, it seems once the bias of knowing which beer is which is gone, the beers become exceedingly difficult to distinguish. Really nice. ( Terms & Conditions Apply ). First, I just want the author to know how much I appreciate this article! It was a long time ago so Im not sure where the final strain came to me from. The most important point for the brewers is this: SafLager W-34/70 can ensure both a faster and neutral fermentation profile at higher temperatures. The packages of Fermentis ale yeast say that due to the healthiness and high cell count, no aeration is needed. Presumably the trend goes the opposite direction, probably down to ale pitching rates at the upper recommended temperature of 71.6F. Im with you on ease of dry lager yeast, and honestly, I see no reason to use anything but 34/70 (for me at least). Known by its neutral character, SafLager W34/70 produce neutral fermentation character, giving clean and neutral profile. My wife and I have made anannual tradition out ofattending as many local Oktoberfests as possible, one of our favorites being Dry Dock Brewings event that also includes the single-style Docktoberfest Homebrew Competition. Adventures in Homebrewing It is very eye opening to do side by side comparisons with two or three different yeasts as you can find out which one you prefer. | beer. I have yeast that i am reusing from last batch, but i am strugling in getting the temperature below 19 celsius. That way you can save some money on yeast and have lots of yeast around to use. . Pitching/Fermentation : Sprinkle the yeast in minimum 10 times its weight of sterile water or wort at 21 to 25 C (70F to 77F). To evaluate the differences between WLP833 German Bock Lager yeast and Saflager W-34/70 when used to ferment a split batch of the same Mrzen wort. Left: W-34/70 1.012 FG | Right: WLP833 1.012 FG. Brew Day : Pilsner (fermented at ale temperatures with Saflager 34/70 yeast 9,585 views Mar 29, 2020 178 Dislike Share HomeBrewingTips 2.37K subscribers Here is my typical process brewing. 5 GallonLight CraftLager Beer Recipe Kit, This lager yeastis different than ale yeasts. Ive brewed plenty of lagers: Maibock, Oktoberfest, Marzen, Dopplebock, and the latest was a Vienna Lager. W-34/70 produces clean beers with balanced fruity, floral aromatic notes. ThermoWorks Ive repitched with great success as well. The reason I say this is that if you allow the yeast to suspend beyond this time length before lowering the FV temp, you run the risk of having the volume of yeast ferment too fast. When I say most neutral I think of the comparison between Wyeast American Ale yeasts 1056 and 1272, the 1056 is the most neutral and allows the hop aromas to shine through better for IPA and Pale Ales than 1272 which imparts a much different and impact full flavor and aroma profile that I dont really care for. This yeast strain is ideal for brewing practically any Lager or Bock. The 833 was clean, malty and the Hallertau Mittelfruh came across as somewhat spicy on the palate. If pitched dry at 23-24\xb0C, how long do I wait before dropping the temp to 12\xb0C? Cheers glad you enjoyed! This yeast hailsfrom Weihenstephan in Germany, but is used world wide. SafLager W-34/70 (W-34/70) View all yeast . Temperature Range: 12-15C Dosage: 11.5g in 20L. That may or may not be true, so I just do it as extra insurance. This is why I brew my lagers in winter, if I pitch the yeast around lunchtime, by the wee hours of the next morning the temp has come right down. s-04 dropped like a rock while w-34/70 never settled to the bottom after 3 weeks in primary. It is easy to use, and can ferment warm. . I love not having to worry about having enough yeast to do the beer with the dry yeast. i absolutely love the wlp 833. nice thick and smooth round strain, i only do bocks with this one. Here are my tasting notes from my starter of Fermentis Saflager 34/70.Experimental Brewing Link: - interview with Bryan from Sui-Generis (link in the show notes). I started with WY830, and recently tried WY833. At oneweek post-pitch, with both beers showing signs of slowed fermentation activity,I began gently rampingthe temperature up to 58F/14C over the course of a few days to ensure complete attenuation and clean-up of any undesirable fermentation byproducts. -10 minutes into boil, pull off like 500ml or so of wort This has also been my experience when using them side by side. I think my next brew will have to be a lager using 34/70. Basically I pitched my yeast @ 21-22\xb0C. I can confirm the 833 is the Ayinger strain. S-23 and S-189 are on my list to try for sure! Rather than pick just one and hope it works, I thought itd be more funto compare them and put them to them to the test! Great xBmt as always. Since you plan to brew a lager style beer at a lager temperature of 12\xb0C, 11gms of dry yeast will not be enough. Im certainly not writing off liquid lager yeasts, but the results of this xBmt and my experience with these beers have influenced my perspective on dry yeast. Do not stir. Rated 5 out of 5 by Cerveza Tropical from Saflager W-34/70 Dry Lager Yeast Worked well at room temp, 68 - 72 degrees, finished fermenting by day 14, verified with hydrometer . SafLager W-34/70 German Lager Dry Yeast is a particularlyflexible and forgiving yeast strain. Alcohol Tolerance : Medium. I will enter these beers in a regional competition this fall and am debating whether to enter the 833 as a Czech Pilsner. Contact us or join us on social media for craft beer and home brewing discussions, news, tips and more! However, the longer I had thebeers on tap, the more theyseemed to converge, eventually to the point it was difficult for me to tell them apart. In my opinion, ittasted more like aVienna Lager than the toastyMrzen Id hoped for. Lotm, December 13, 2013 in DIY Brewing Blether, 1. ill have to try it out. I realize that in this case you have to do the same to both worts, since aeration is not a variable in the experiment. 12\xb0C, I wouldn't allow the pitched yeast to stay @ 20+ degrees Celsius for more than about 18hrs before you reduce the temperature down to that 12 degrees for the duration of the ferment. All designs are available in various colors and sizes on Amazon! You can also use WLP011 Euro Ale Yeast as a Marzen Ale fermented in the low 60s. , , / /, Hot Liquor Tanks, Mash Tuns and The Sparge Arm , Fast Ferment Products / FastFerment, Fermenting Equipment / , CO2 Tanks, Regulators & Parts / , , . All of our new beers have hit their expected FG in no time and each beer was delicious with no off flavors whatsoever. Ensure wort is chilled to 75 F or below. SafLager W-34/70 Fermentis Dry Lager Yeast. Even though it may not be best practice, I usually pitch it at 16C then put it straight in a fridge set at 10C. Id really like to brew a bit bigger and split the yeast between the 833, 820 and 825, but am lacking space. The water profile I used was Amber balanced in brun water. I chill my boiled wort down further than usual and ensure I have at least 10-15 litres of chilled water on hand. After a 60 minute rest, I collected 13 gallons of wort and proceeded to boil itfor 90 minutes, adding hops per the recipe. I use Fermentis almost exclusively (Safale Saflager Safbrew). You wouldnt really be creating many cells, more just giving the yeast their pre-workout, before the main event, just a thought. I recently kegged a Helles that was split between German Bock (833) and Andechs (835). The WLP820 is a very tasty strain with more flavor and aroma profile than the WLP838. Ive never found a difference b/w oxygenating and not oxygenating with dry yeasts. SafLager W-34/70 German Lager Dry Yeast is a particularlyflexible and forgiving yeast strain. By After some deliberation, I boiled my choices down to two strains, based largely on my appreciation of the commercial breweries the strains are purported to have originated from Ayinger and Weihenstephaner. What was your reason for the two bittering additions at 60 minutes? This is very cool information. Do they give the same advice for lager yeast? Each taster, blind to the variable being investigated, was served 2 samples of the beer fermented with Saflager W-34/70and 1 sample of the beer fermented with WLP833 in different colored opaque cups then instructedto selectthe odd-beer-out. Gently stir for 30 minutes, and pitch the resultant cream into the fermentation vessel. Until you try these experiments for yourself it will be hard to tell which one you will really like best. Keep up the great work. The usual instructions for pitching lager yeast dry are to pitch it around 22C and let it drop to 10-12ish over a period of 12-24 hours. We have stopped oxygenating since moving away from White Labs. What do you mean WLP 830 is the most aggressive. It makes the most malty beer? [happy]. As Lusty said, it will take some time to cool due to the volume so you will be gradually reducing the temp. Will 1 X 11g sachet do the job? All Rights Reserved. Thanks Aaron, Im not good at describing tastes and aromas very well so aggressive is probably the wrong term but I find Wyeast Bohemian Lager yeast to have the most impact on aroma and taste of the three I use. Brew Hardware. Ultimately, mysearch for the perfect house lager strain continues, as Im still aftersomething I experience asa bit more crisp and defined, a search that will include both liquidanddry options. For a lager style brew that you plan to ferment @ approx. Brlosophy is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and other affiliated sites. This is the upper limit they suggest and it worked great. You can do either so just find what works for you. SafLager W-34/70 German Lager Dry Yeast HELP CART Gas Hardware BACK Gas Hardware Regulators Gas Cylinders Gas Distributors Gas Disconnects Food Grade Lubricants Shutoff Valves Misc. That one is an n of 1, so take it with a grain of salt. Id avoided entering in the past for various reasons, likely my fear of not doing too well, and decided this would be the year Id shelve my anxieties and enter what I believed to be a good example of the style. Two of the three XBMTs about aeration seemed to find no difference. If you cant make wort that will last 24 hours without going bad before the yeast really get going, you should work on that! I gave it to White Labs about 15-17 years ago after it had been passed around the HB community for years. Kiwi Approved. My most recent 34/70 beer is a California Common that is on tap right nowmaybe not quite the esters youd expect from a Cal Lager yeast, but a damn good beer nonetheless. However, in follow-uptriangle tests, I was unable to reliably distinguish the beers, which proved to me how similar they really were. For this batch of Mrzen, I compiled the recipe data I could find online from a bunch ofcommercial and award winning homebrew examples, did some fancy spreadsheetfinagling, and created a recipe using the most common ingredients between them. The yeasts that I have used the most are Wyeast Bavarian Lager 2206 (WLP820), Wyeast Munich Lager 2308 (WLP838) and Wyeast Bohemian Lager 2124 (WLP830). I wonder if the W-34/70 lag could be reduced/eliminated if you performed a small vitality starter with some of your brew day wort. If a beer recipe calls for a particular strain or brand of yeast that it is unavailable, there is a good chance that a substitution can be made without causing much of a difference. (single packet, re-hydrated). Cheers>[biggrin]. Coopers Brewery Copyright 2021 If I want something crisp, I usually boost the gypsum some. I have not tried the Hella Bock yeast or the W34/70 so I have some work to do to try them out. ive done pseudo lager split batch, one with w-34/70 other with s-04. Try SafLager W-34/70 German Lager Dry Yeast, a strain used forcraft lagers. If youre looking for a toasty Maerzen, definitely bump up the Munich. Date published: 2022-01-23. As for the beer,I enjoyed it, butfelt itwasntquite there for me. However, best practice is to pitch at the correct rate too. At thissample size, 14tasters (p<0.05) would have had to select the sample fermented with WLP833 in order toachieve statistical significance. -rehydrate yeast packets Others may not have that same experience. [innocent], You need to be a member in order to leave a comment. For the next batch, I mightgo with a malt bill consisting of a60% blend of Munich I and MunichII to get more depth of flavor, balancing it out with 20% Vienna and 20% Pilsner malts. Looking for extra yeast for homebrewing beer? I dont use the W34/70 much any more, as I do enjoy my lagers much more with the S-23. I personally dont think oxygenating for first pitch dry yeast matters at all, though Ive no data to back this up. Off the top of my head I believe the ppm of sulfate is 75 versus 60 of chloride. I don't brew a lot a lagers but I have had more success with pitching 2 packets of rehydrated yeast at the cool fermentation temp. i think here is a huge difference between the 34/70 and the 833 . Wed love to hear from you. Apparent Attenuation Range (%) : n/a. I definitely prefer it as well between the two. If you are using a kit tin as your base for this brew, chuck in the kit yeast as well as the W-34/70 packet yeast. ago. I got the best rest for that quenching lager that is hard to nail down. ?????? I have used 34/70 a few times now. Supposedly 34/70 is the same as the wlp830 you referred to. Questions? This yeast hailsfrom Weihenstephan in Germany, but is used world wide. It slows down turnaround time by a day at most. Depending on the beer style that may or may not be what you are looking for. WAY easier when you need a huge pitch and that stuff really gets going. Though,this strain does perform bestin a fermentation temperature range of58 - 64 F. In the end, 12tasters (p=0.15) accurately chose the different beer, suggesting participants were not reliably able to distinguish a Mrzenfermented with WLP833 German Bock Lager yeast from one fermented with Saflager W-34/70 yeast. Homebrew. W-34/70 is a fantastic yeast. It likely could be reduced, the lag doesnt bother me too much though. Preference ratings of those who were correct on the triangle test were about split with 6 reporting they liked the beer fermented with W-34/70, 4 thinking the WLP833 fermented beer was better, and 2 saying they noticed a difference but had no preference. Homebrew. The W-34/70 beer began showing signs of activity just 12 hours later. I dont get a massive lag with it, maybe 24h at most before its frothing away. It's easy! make a starter if you only have the 1 packet as another option. All your brewing needed. [whistling, Going to play it safe and pitch 2 packs. The optimal temperature is the range in which the yeast performs best without putting off any off-flavors. Ask nicely and they are usually willing to hook you up. For fun, I would highly recommend serving those 2 beers in a proper triangle to a few blind tasters, maybe even if they know the variable, as Im not convinced that matters all too much. As an answer to question 1, the answer is NO. Never tried dry yeast for lagers, though Ive used plenty for ales. Ive used 34/70 twice now, both times at 17-18C (62-64F I think) (thanks Fermentation Temperature Exbeeriments!). I. Your blog has really helped me to simplify my brewing process and concentrate on whats important. From the information I read, by pitching the yeast @ the low-mid 20 degree temp for 15-24hrs, you are increasing volume size of active yeast to ferment your brew. Best Regards, Bob Manke Milwaukee, WI. I was looking for cheap IBUs, I would have gone 100% nugget if I hadnt had the extra hallertau around. I always re-hydrate my yeast, as per the instructions for the "if you are" bit. Use Lesaffre know-how and continuous yeast production process improvement generates an exceptional quality of dry yeasts able to resist to a very wide range of uses, incl. Have you tried more O2? Bob Manke Milwaukee WI. After another week of lagering, they were ready for evaluation. You just rehydrate 2-3 packs and you can brew anytime you want, just take the yeast out of the fridge. Leave to rest 15 to 30 minutes. We include this yeast packet in our5 GallonLight CraftLager Beer Recipe Kit. I used gelatin and both beers were quite clear within days of kegging, sorry no help on this one. Feedback? Definitely wouldnt be opposed to exploring it though. SafLager W-34/70 German Lager Dry Yeast is a particularly flexible and forgiving yeast strain. Drop the temp after 12 hours and let it come down to your lager fermentation temp. I decided to ferment my usual Helles recipe at 65F!!! Mrzen has long been a favorite style of mine sippinga malty sweet yetcrisp and refreshing pint on an Autumnafternoon is aboutas close to beer nirvana as it gets for me. Homebrew kit in Thailand. I hit my FG in 3 days. Ive done big beers with dry yeast and no O2 that fully attenuated and tasted great. Left: S-23 | Right: W-34/70 Any differences in fermentation activity were gone a few hours later and the beers progressed equally over the following 9 days. Bias most certainly played a role, though its also possible any differences I noticed at first effectively dissipated over the time the beers spent cold conditioning between my initial and later tastings. After12 hours at 50 PSI, I purged the kegs, reduced to my preferred serving pressure, and impatiently pulled samples of each that showed they were already well carbonated and clear. its a must go to for xmas beers I have been reading peoples posts about fermenting this in the low to below 50's but the spec sheet says "ideally 12-15C (53.6-59F)". It took about 2-3 weeks to ferment. Theres a potential exbeeriment: W-34/70 with and without oxygen. SafLager W34/70 : Pilsen: : : 12-15C: 11.5g 20L.SafLager W-34/70This famous yeast strain from Weihenstephan in Germany is used world-wide within the brewing industry. Known by its neutral character, SafLager W34/70 produce neutral fermentation character, giving clean and neutral profile. Im totally with you on 34/70, super robust, easy to use, surprisingly clean and malty IMO. According to John Palmer and Jamil Zainasheff you should only pitch your yeast at the target fermentation temperature or a degree or two lower. Learn how your comment data is processed. Cheers! I was really, really excited to try the Andechs strain as Id visited the Kloster 20 years ago and fell in love with their beers. Ive hardly used lager yeast much less compared them! Follow Stass Brewing on Social Media:Instagram: @StassbrewingFacebook: I personally did not notice a floccilation difference between the strains. the question remains good idea/bad idea. Glad you enjoy the blog! I felt the same way for a long time. I pitched at 60 because it was getting late and I was inpatient but its been fermenting for 2 days at 55 degrees. . I also gave White Labs the 833 Zurich lager strain that I cultured directly from a bottle of Samichlaus. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. W-34/70 will unleash your lager-making self. (Predicted OG 1046). I even fermented my bock with them side by side and actually preferred the S-23 flavor profile. I cant believe how clean and malty it makes the beer. confirms the value Ive found in Fermentis Labs products!!! Once the boil was finished, Ichilled the wort to a respectable 62F/17Cthensplit it equally between two 6.5 gallon fermentors. As a side note, personally when I am looking for a crisper flavor profile I mash low and for at least 90 minutes to lower the FG a bit. The fermentors used for this particular xBmt were placed in separate fermentation chambers, one set to 60F/16C and the other 82F/27C. As you can probably tell, I have a little lag anxiety! After 10 days at 50F/10C, I gently raised the temperature in my chamber 60F/16C over the course of a couple days. Like Fermentis Saflager W-34/70 Bohemian Lage Yeast? Weihenstephan 34/70 2124 Bohemian Lager Yeast WLP830 German Lager Yeast L13 Global / Saflager W-34/70 Weihenstephan 206 2206 Bavarian Lager Yeast WLP820 Oktoberfest Lager Yeast Saflager S-23 2247 European Lager Yeast WLP920 Old Bavarian Lager Yeast Christian Schmidt (Philadelphia brewery)2272 North American Lager Yeast WLP840 American Pilsner . Dont know if that is temperature-dependent, wort-dependent, or luck. My fermentation chamber holds two 5g buckets. Hardware ACCOUNT WISHLIST HELP CART Keg Tubing & Hardware BACK Keg Tubing & Hardware Beverage & Gas Tubing Disconnects Hose Clamps for Kegging Draft Cleaning Supplies Thank you for this xbmt, Ive been avoiding brewing any lagers for not wanting to mess with yeast starters but I want sure if the dry lager yeast was effective at producing good beers. Fermentation Temp Range (F) : 53-59. Ive brewed a fair amount of Mrzen over the last few years, mostly scattershot attempts with little forethought or discipline in execution, but given my goal of making a version worthy of an award,I approached design a recipe with a bit more scrutiny. the difference in flocculation was enormous. Iplaced the fermentors in my cool fermentation chamber tolet them continue chilling tomy desired fermentationtemperature of 49F/9C; once reached, each batch was hit with 60 seconds of pure O2 before the yeastwas pitched, one receiving two rehydrated packs of W-34/70 while the decantedstarter of WLP833 was pouredinto the other. 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